Sara Kropf

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Sara Kropf

I defend people. Lawyer/DC resident/Nats fan/blogger on white collar defense issues. My kids think I’m weird. #StatehoodNow
Paging Robin Givhan ….
Obsessed and frankly a little jealous about how well Labour's candidate in Clacton dresses.
Based solely on their schedule release video, I’m a Chargers fan now.
It is hard to explain how crazy it is that Trump has not already been stepped back (i.e., jailed) for 10 violations of the court’s order. Some judges would jail someone pretrial for a single violation. I realize incarcerating him is a challenge of incredible magnitude but it is time.
Link to order finding Former President Trump in criminal contempt, issued 5/6/24:
When else can you perhaps save someone’s life in less than an hour and get cookies at the end? If you can, donate blood. Also cookies.
WTF Connections. NYT fix this ASAP.
Apparently AI is the newest business development tool. For criminal defense lawyers.
Twice a week now a Silicon Valley company issued a press release like, “We have invented a new technology. It’s only use is for crime. Accordingly, we are all now billionaires.”
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Roger examined the ocean. Then he examined his life. Not once had he ever broken a rule or challenged authority. But now, it was time for this “good boy” to cross the line. Time to go rogue.
I’m just a girl, sitting in front of my computer, asking it to give me a break from two-factor authentication.
It drives me crazy when lawyers email to say, “please return my call” without offering any times to schedule a call We are all busy. It’s so passive aggressive to expect that I should keep calling you out of the blue, hoping you will pick up. Grrrrr.
New life goal: to be a “z professor emeritus.”
These have one appropriate use.
Should be shared far and wide.
this is a success rate that basically *doesn't exist* for medical interventions in any rational world this would be the end of any argument about HRT or transition generally but the cruelty is the point, not the actual data
If you aren’t rooting for Maidstone United, there is something wrong.
It is really hard to do everything on the fly as a trial lawyer. But my goodness this is not good lawyering. I’ve been doing trials for nearly 20 yrs & I still have little notes to myself in the margins of a direct or cross with the elements of offering a business record. It’s called preparation.
Judge, she had a family!
Not too shabby. Gonna work on these stats. Next year: top 5%!
Reposted byAvatar Sara Kropf
If Tony Dungy thinks Taylor Swift is why NFL fans are disenchanted just wait until he hears about the league put a playoff game on Peacock.
Apparently I’ve reached the Reading-My-Parent’s-Senior Living-Residence-Agreement stage of life. (These agreements are not simple, btw.)
Why, yes, my family DID wake up at 3 am on vacation to watch the Ravens crush the Niners.
Former high level DOJ officials who see no irony in complaining about DOJ pushing the envelope in white collar cases based on vague regulations….🤦 I guess we should be happy they have seen the light but still.
Nothing makes me appreciate DCA more than going to any other major airport in the country.
You know what would be nice? If courts had detailed instructions about how to file things (1) under seal, and (2) ex parte. ECF is easy for under seal but state courts are all over the place.
It’s too bad our bodies don’t have a sensor to tell whether drinking caffeine will absolutely get rid of a headache or absolutely make it exponentially worse.
Dammit. I was hoping both teams would lose.
My older son is now the same age (20) that my husband was when I met him in college. I’m not sure how this should make me feel.
The NYT showed LA Law to some Gen Z-ers. As someone who went to law school in part because of this show and who had a massive crush on Harry Hamlin, their reactions are hilarious.
Thanksgiving was always McKinley’s favorite day of the year. We said goodbye to her last December and missed her happy face this year when the turkey was carved. I hope she had unlimited turkey at the Dog Heaven Buffet today.