Sax 🎷🏳️‍⚧️⚒️ fictional until proven real in a court of law

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Sax 🎷🏳️‍⚧️⚒️ fictional until proven real in a court of law

Billionaire-slaying bounty hunter magical girl femboy Vtuber (June hiatus)
| former WR memelord | musician | TTRPG enjoyer |

metroidvanias, RPGs, & platformers | meme runs & completionism

now that bsky has discourse, when are we gonna start the witch hunt discourse? I am yearning to be burned at the skeet stake or drowned in the squirt river
I'm technically a vtuber *streamed art like 3 times *beat Radiance first try, but yes, bad at games, esp on steam
Waist trainer arrived! Now to Next step is getting on prog as soon as I'm allowed
GOOD! Minorities & queers shouldn't have to leave their states because of these guys making it bad for them. Give these ultraconservative christians that experience too! wait, no, religion isn't genetic but it tries hard to be. This will make shit real bad for their queer kids fuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK
without downloading any new pics what is it like dating you?
without downloading new pics what is it like dating you?
wtf happened to the Mario & Luigi covers. How did we go from this absolute coolness and badassery to just... a handful of pngs on a white background??? I'd like to have a word with whoever at AlphaDream or Nintendo was responsible for the budget cuts on cover art
there's a lot of really good stuff in here but I loathe how unconfidently it's being reported and I very much look forward to the science being more complete & concrete
Today on Assigned, Freelancer Veronica Esposito wrote an impressive survey of what the scientific research has to say on the topic of transgender brains for us. ALL your questions, ANSWERED AT LAST! (reposted to fix the name of the freelancer)
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Transgender Brains — Research into the brains of transgender people might illuminate some of the deepest mysteries of gender, transness, and sex differences.
idk about 2 PC, but looks like Disgaea 1 was ported to PC after the fact and has some more features than the original, so I wonder if that's the case for 2 as well and maybe 4-7 were just ported on/near release???
"Are you a boy or a girl?" I'm an old King® Zephyr™ baritone saxophone from the 1930s that's still in extremely playable condition but hasn't been used in a while and could use a bit of a polish and should probably be checked out by a professional but should still be good 👍
"Are you a boy or a girl?" I am the beast of the end
w/ alt text Also reminder the 40hr workweek only exists as a compromise to the 100hr workweek, and minimum wage is a compromise to slavery, etc. etc. compromise from evil is still far from perfection
I found the issue I think Windows changed how it detects whether the device is "being used as a tablet" just had to uncheck this box, ez fix (but I really wish they'd just stop changing shit in general)
Windows pls I want you to HIDE the taskbar, not reduce it!!! Hide like a trained guerilla warrior, not like a kid behind a 1-foot-wide tree
Windows pls I want you to HIDE the taskbar, not reduce it!!! Hide like a trained guerilla warrior, not like a kid behind a 1-foot-wide tree
You cannot disable them, you cannot move where they appear, you can't even change what they do (tho you can change their cost, color, & icon) also they put default redeems above your custom ones in the UI to edit your redeems so you have to scroll farther if you need to fix or make something live 🫠
fuck first the watch streak, now the "power-ups." points redeems get completely buried 😭
fuck first the watch streak, now the "power-ups." points redeems get completely buried 😭
in a twitch stream, noticed "wtf I have zero channel points ??????" *looks closer* it's bits. That's displayed next to the channel points now, and it pushed the points to the right I thought they were before, but twitch is really really trying to push monetization now huh
So when you use these content warnings, "Nudity" is properly labeled as non-sexual nudity, but "Suggestive" and "Porn" BOTH show up as "Adult Content" and the only way to distinguish whether it's porn or something without nudity or to click "learn more" or take your chances That's so weird to me
Little Debbie is founded -> will Ohio be purged of fascism???
So the full story is my parents only got together because one of my dad's friends bet a Little Debbie snacc on it, so in a roundabout way that's how I came to exist
learning to ice skate at 5 years old ⬇️ growing boobs in my mid 20s
Didn't clean up a magazine ➡️ Moved to Arizona by way of Alaska
Finally decided to just destroy the neckline of one of my looser tees. Just grabbed it with my hands and ripped it open. I regret less than nothing
my parents when I was growing up: "You don't wanna sleep in your regular shirts that you wear out of the house, you'll stretch them out" me, now wanting a broader neckline on my shirts: 🤯😴
Microplastics are just a tiny piece of an essential part of your diet. The joy, kindness, and love will take care of it all <3