Stéphane Bisinger

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Stéphane Bisinger

Software Engineer, interested in science, concerned about Climate Change.

I like to talk about politics
Hi 👋 I'm a software engineer with 20 years under my belt. Last night I tried upgrading our systems and since then everything is offline. Screwing up is a part of the job, no matter your experience... Sometimes it happens despite your best efforts to avoid it. Don't be discouraged!
Can someone please tell me how americans living in those suburban detached homes manage to keep on top of chores? How do you keep such a big house clean? Do they all have maids? Or stay-at-home moms? I'm genuinely curious, keeping an apartment in order is already hard
Russia is winning its war against western democracies. Not on the battleground, not economically, but through conspiracy theories, fake news and propaganda. We have shills, spies and traitors openly discussing how Russia is great and we are not, and these people keep being elected.
Europe must soon realise that we have to assume the US is abandoning its allies. The threat of further Russian aggressions is more and more likely in this scenario. We are already at war, we just refuse to see it
If there's one thing you need to know about China, is that its own Premier used unofficial metrics to measure the country's economy. Because the official GDP measure is a conplete fabrication.
Li Keqiang index -
It's weird when people are like "urbanists are wrong because I can't get around by bike or public transport because bike infrastructure and public transport is shit!" as if making bike infrastructure and public transport not shit isn't a huge part of urbanists' whole thing.
Is it just me? Did you consider the possibility that the reason there are still hostages to be freed is that without them it becomes much harder to justify the genocide? They need the crisis to puah the fascist agenda...
I realized today that people, for some reason, think that optimizing the code for performance means making your code run faster. " for loop is faster than map". The best way to gain performance is not to run calculations you don't need. The fastest code, is code that doesn't run.
Do I have this right
I used to wonder how people could not see and accept the rise of fascism and nazism 100 years ago. Not anymore. We are reliving the same history. Democracy us in dire straits, even in western countries.
Techbro thinks ChatGPT 4 has the IQ of Albert Einstein. WTF...
Piracy is a crime if you do it foe your personal consumption, but totally legitimate if a billion dollar company does it to profit off of it.
The hellplace has now started with sex ads. Not just the bots, a paid ad. They're desperate.
Today was one of those rare days where I had to drive. Man, it's so bad. I could have watched out the window the whole time, or spaced out, or watched some YouTube videos, while sitting comfortably in a train. Instead I had to pay a lot of attention to wet roads and wind gusts. Cars really suck!
One thing that always bugs me is when people say things are not black and white. Well, sometimes they are. Take vaccines: either you vaccinate your kids, or you don't. There isn't a middle ground. So many other topics are like that. It's important to stand up for what's right
During a press trip to Iceland last year, I noticed something that looked very strange: Within the country, practically every large electricity consumer would claim that they use renewable energy. Of course: Iceland's grid is entirely powered by hydropower and geothermal energy. ⚡🔌 🧵
Side note: the X rebranding is so successful, that they have put in brackets the old brand name for anyone to recognize it...
If you’re wondering why Twitter would make significant enough changes to the link shortener that it would break all links, posted this three hours before links broke on Twitter - an exploit that could take over a user’s account if they clicked on a link. Twitter did not pay a bounty.
How will we explain to our children and grandchildren that unfortunately, we couldn’t leave them a livable planet because a few petro-states vetoed phasing out fossil fuels?
We need a new COP without the petrostates at the helm.
X is obviously doomed, but if Musk wrings 2-3 years of massive public influence from his white supremacist, transphobic, hate-filled bigot friends out of it, it'll have been worth the losses for his seething eugenicist ideology. We need an X-it strategy....
Elon Musk's luck has finally run Buying Twitter was the biggest gamble of Musk's career. Now he — and his empire — are cracking under the pressure.
PSA: Being alarmed about climate change does not equal being an "alarmist." The state of our climate right now is *objectively* alarming. If you are *not* alarmed by it, you are not engaging with reality
Aren't these exactly the same tactics that tobacco companies used decades ago? "If we don't kill the planet how else are we supposed to become even richer?"
"Exxon’s attendance [at #COP28] is part of Big Oil's decades of efforts to infiltrate and corrupt attempts by policymakers to meaningfully address the climate crisis" - My take in on Exxon CEO's absurd comments at UN climate talks today. 1/n
UN climate talks have focused on renewable energy for too long, Exxon chief Darren Woods tells FT that oil and gas major has a role to play in reducing emissions
According to this map, Switzerland is the black sheep of Europe. I'm sure that number would drastically decrease if we renovated our buildings, and used more efficient heating methods (like heat pumps). We would probably save money, too
Without decarbonising heating we cannot meet the climate goals:
 Home heating makes up a large share of carbon emissions in most European countries.
 Graph created by Aira using IPCC data.
Hello folks, I wrote a response to a Sammy Roth piece in the LA Times that called for critics of large-scale renewable development to "get over it" We are forgetting that clean energy growth must be both fast and **prolonged** over decades. Protecting nature and social cohesion = more staying power
Nature and people shouldn’t be designated losers in the energy A rebuttal, in which I argue that we don't have to sacrifice nature or community cohesion to build clean power
To everyone who wants Bluesky to be a success, especially now that Elon is going further down the antisemitism hole, a few tips. A short thread 🧵 1. Repost other people’s posts. This is essential. Please. 2. Also like other people’s posts. 3. Over-follow lots of people 1/n
I wonder why there is such a resistance to automated, continuous delivery and such a strong tendency to revert back to manual deployments. To me, manual means "someone's bound to forget eventually", but also "won't get updated, will remain outdated". Why is that?