☀️ Jon Schwarz ☀️

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☀️ Jon Schwarz ☀️


☀️ I am a longtime high-functioning malcontent ☀️ Old Intercept work here: https://theintercept.com/staff/jonschwarz/ ☀️ New work here: https://tinyrevolution.substack.com ☀️
Grenada's prime minister says the country has suffered "Armageddon-like" damage from Hurricane Beryl. Will America help? For context, in 1983 the US spent $400 million on a three-day invasion of Grenada.
1. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says he's "scared as shit" by the Supreme Court's ruling giving Trump immunity 2. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says Biden deeply respects the Supreme Court and refuses to use any power he has to challenge it pic.twitter.com/9ukHEV8EZA
The key to good leadership is to continuously tell your followers how scared you are and scared they should be
I've always thought the Democrats were right during elections when they yelled at us about the importance of the Supreme Court. The problem is that it was always empty campaign rhetoric for them, they don't actually believe it themselves. This was just a year ago!
Remember when Joe Biden went on Meet the Press in 2007 to declare his candidacy for president, and told seven separate lies about Iraq and WMD tinyrevolution.com/mt/archives/...
Last Saturday Donald Trump explained that George Washington "probably didn't" own other human beings. It's hard to know what to do in this situation. cnn.com/2024/06/24/p...
It is bad manners not to put on your bowler hat before you start up the teeny walkway from which you could easily plunge hundreds of feet to your death
I love walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, and always think about the (at least) 27 people who were killed during its construction from 1870 to 1883. 27 is a lot but also seems like a surprisingly small number given its gigantic scale and the technology they had.
From a 2012 NY Times oped by Michael Moore & Oliver Stone. The fact the Biden administration forced Assange to plead guilty could easily have terrible consequences for more journalists targeted by the US & other countries. nytimes.com/2012/08/21/o...
Does a simple vinegar & dish soap trap work on fruit flies? Yes. In fact, it works so well that you can end up with hundreds of rotting fruit fly corpses.
With Robert Winnett not getting the job as editor of the Washington Post, it is a dark day for the cause of total impunity for the powerful
Next up: Dylan Byers breaks the story of workers at GM scheming to build cars
It's very funny that NYT reporter Nicholas Fandos has a "journalistic ethics" statement saying "it is important for me to treat the people and ideas I write about with fairness and respect" and then insinuates Norman Finkelstein is antisemitic. nytimes.com/2024/06/20/n...
Israel invaded Lebanon in 1978. Carter describes what happened next in "The Blood of Abraham": The US notified Israeli Prime Minister Begin we were going to cut off all military aid to Israel & present a resolution condemning it at the UN. Begin immediately said: "It's over."
Farewell to Donald Sutherland. Anyone who's been to the mall in DC will love how the Mr. X scene in JFK, with Sutherland and Kevin Coster, situates them in the middle of a vast expanse of grass on the lone Bench of Truth.
It's funny how Israeli PR hasn't changed in 70 years. In 1953, on Ben-Gurion's orders, the IDF carried out a massacre in the West Bank, killing 69 civilians. Ben-Gurion said "None deplores it more than the government of Israel" & that they'd investigated themselves & were innocent.
In 2006 the NY Times reported that Hugo Chavez had claimed Noam Chomsky was dead. But Chavez hadn't said that. So it was part of the long tradition of the NY Times inaccurately criticizing America's official enemies, which Chomsky must have enjoyed. nytimes.com/2006/09/22/n...
Truth Social stock is down 42% since May 30, the day Trump was convicted in the hush money case. But it's a mystery that it still has any value, since it's obviously worthless.
I have some hard news I have to tell you. It's that... [LONG PAUSE] Oh no, I promised myself I wouldn't do this. [TAKES OFF SHIRT, PUTS ON BALD EAGLE MASK]
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir explained it was fine for the Zionist movement to use terrorism to establish a state but not okay for Palestinians to do the same. If you disagree & say there should be the same standard for everyone, you're engaging in what's known as "moral relativism."
There are a surprising number of people who love authority & power on principle & get angry if anyone anywhere doesn't immediately knuckle under to any authority & power. Thomas Jefferson talks about this in his famous "aristocrats & democrats" letter.
Some people claim social media makes many users addicted to bizarre, constant rage, but I don't see it
This is a real AP story from 1991. Yitzhak Shamir, then the prime minister of Israel, straightforwardly explained that it was fine for the Zionist movement to use terrorism to establish Israel — Shamir himself had been a terrorist — but it was unacceptable for Palestinians.
Here's the entire 1991 AP story in which Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir explained that terrorism had been acceptable when carried out by the Zionist movement but was not acceptable when Palestinians did it
I had to change my name after this, but I feel I did prove I could accomplish something and I did get attention from my friends
In my experience America's fancy colleges are absolutely not super-liberal, and in fact foster many deeply troubled hard-right oddballs. Eg, Eric Metaxas went to Yale and was the editor of the Record, Yale's humor magazine.
Every now and then the Wall Street Journal editorial page takes a break from shrieking about the glory and majesty of the "free" market to honestly acknowledge that — as the mouthpiece for corporate America — it hates free markets
I feel like it doesn't help Israel to have so many prominent supporters who are frothing sociopaths
In a 2014 interview Jean Cabut, a cartoonist at Charlie Hebdo who within a year would be one of the victims of the massacre there, asked, "We should use stupidity against itself, but how?"
I picked up "How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America" by Kiese Laymon just for the title, and it delivers what I was hoping for and more