☀️ Jon Schwarz ☀️

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☀️ Jon Schwarz ☀️


☀️ I am a longtime high-functioning malcontent ☀️ Old Intercept work here: https://theintercept.com/staff/jonschwarz/ ☀️ New work here: https://tinyrevolution.substack.com ☀️
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
I honestly think a huge element of Q-An*n's resonance with conservative voters is that its a way to resolve the pain caused by so many of their own leaders being child abusers and so many of their base voters being victims of abuse bsky.app/profile/madh...
when I think about this, and the fact that the whole QAnon thing is "end child sex trafficking" and all the QAnon people vociferously support Trump...well, right before my brain starts oozing out my ears, I'm forced to conclude there is a LOT of deeply dark shit we don't know about yet
Grenada's prime minister says the country has suffered "Armageddon-like" damage from Hurricane Beryl. Will America help? For context, in 1983 the US spent $400 million on a three-day invasion of Grenada.
The best and funniest part of Biden being replaced by a younger candidate is that they could constantly point at Trump and say, "Look, this guy's too old to be president."
1. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says he's "scared as shit" by the Supreme Court's ruling giving Trump immunity 2. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says Biden deeply respects the Supreme Court and refuses to use any power he has to challenge it pic.twitter.com/9ukHEV8EZA
Hooray for the New York Public Library! It's going to be open 7 days a week, thanks to the budget passed by the City Council today—and all the organizers who pushed to make this happen
The key to good leadership is to continuously tell your followers how scared you are and scared they should be
In a better world, we would create legislation that requires media released for public consumption to submit copies to public archives and, upon notifying the archives of its unavailability or ## weeks after failing to continue an accessible medium, the archive would authorize public access.
Sony Group Corp. will reportedly cut around 250 jobs from its recordable media business' key manufacturing hub “It will also gradually cease production of optical disc storage media products, including Blu-ray discs, according to the sources”
Sony Group to cut 250 jobs from recordable media business' key hubmainichi.jp TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Sony Group Corp. will cut around 250 jobs from its recordable media business' key manufacturing hub in northeastern Japan and offer e
I've always thought the Democrats were right during elections when they yelled at us about the importance of the Supreme Court. The problem is that it was always empty campaign rhetoric for them, they don't actually believe it themselves. This was just a year ago!
maybe if the people who run the Democratic Party are very very quiet and don't move or do anything, everyone will stop yelling at them and everything will be okay
congratulations to the Democratic Party for maneuvering themselves into Zugzwang
DNC bosses would rather risk Trump winning than lose their power over the party — and they know they’ll still be enriched if Trump wins & the country burns.
Why Hasn’t Biden Stepped Down?www.levernews.com Democrats blocked a serious primary challenge to Biden — now after the first debate, the threat of a Trump presidency looms.
maybe Biden waits til 2032 to run again
I feel like it's more of a suicide-murder
Time after time in every era, we find that the wealthy oligarchs *oppose* policies that would lead to faster economic growth and they welcome destructive reactionary economic measures because they'd always rather protect their power than grow their wealth.
Has anyone considered this face-saving solution? 1. Biden and Harris switch places on the 2024 ticket 2. Biden runs for president again in 2028
This is also the sense I get from Israeli politics. An entire country devoted to destroying itself. bsky.app/profile/schw...
The main vibe I get from U.S. politics is that white America is 100% determined to commit suicide.
The main vibe I get from U.S. politics is that white America is 100% determined to commit suicide.
When you watch the debate between Trump (age 78) and Biden (age 81), remember that in the early 1980s, people used to call the Soviet Union a dangerously sclerotic gerontocracy. The average age in the Politburo then was around 70.
Remember when Joe Biden went on Meet the Press in 2007 to declare his candidacy for president, and told seven separate lies about Iraq and WMD tinyrevolution.com/mt/archives/...
Yes, the U.S. lied us into a gigantic war with Iraq. The good news is that's the only time the U.S. government has ever lied, and we can definitely take everything they're saying now at face value.
Last Saturday Donald Trump explained that George Washington "probably didn't" own other human beings. It's hard to know what to do in this situation. cnn.com/2024/06/24/p...
It is bad manners not to put on your bowler hat before you start up the teeny walkway from which you could easily plunge hundreds of feet to your death
I love walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, and always think about the (at least) 27 people who were killed during its construction from 1870 to 1883. 27 is a lot but also seems like a surprisingly small number given its gigantic scale and the technology they had.
From a 2012 NY Times oped by Michael Moore & Oliver Stone. The fact the Biden administration forced Assange to plead guilty could easily have terrible consequences for more journalists targeted by the US & other countries. nytimes.com/2012/08/21/o...
who needs coffee when you can begin your day by stepping barefoot on a thistle?
Does a simple vinegar & dish soap trap work on fruit flies? Yes. In fact, it works so well that you can end up with hundreds of rotting fruit fly corpses.
who wants to come over for a joyful conversation about hydrating dried chickpeas in an instant pot
It's v good news that Julian Assange is going free. I've always believed the Biden administration continued Trump's berserk prosecution of Assange less for "legal" or political reasons, and more because the Clintons & everyone around them loathes Assange so much. It was personal.