
most fucking americans think trump is a dangerous asshole. start from there. don’t let these people tell you otherwise. think of every person you’ve ever met that likes donald trump and think of what every person that deals with them thinks. same as 2020.
man, you work in a cubicle or a kitchen or a factory or a warehouse or wherever you work, the NYT oped board thinks you work in a corner office with an expansive view of NYC and go home to a 3BR apartment in a high rise, but you don’t have to believe them or treat them as if you do.
these fucking fascists were stronger in 2020 that they are now and they are only getting stronger now because columnists in the least representative cities in america are both bored and lazy. break these fuckers.
If these fascists think they're gonna take me down without a fight, I have my father's Ithaca 37 Deerslayer and a pallet of Slugs as a counter-argument. Because the only kind of "non-consent" signalling they understand from "people lesser than them" is the muzzle of a gun.
you should probably get an AR15 tbh.
Not a good idea in NY. I'd be better off with a Mini-14, since I can get that with a wood stock and in NY the wood stock is basically a free pass for "yeah there's nothing wrong with this gun" sorta kinda.
But the reason I pick the shotgun first is because that iconic sound of racking a shotgun is usually enough to send would-be malcontents running, which saves on ammo and paperwork for all involved.
Plus, all I gotta do to it to make it into a more tactical shotgun is take the magazine limiting wooden dowel out of it. Can't hunt deer with it that way, but more mag size is never a bad thing.
I hope you like having shoulder pain with how much you will need to practice with it.