
Good vibes appreciated for tomorrow. Have an interview for a job I’d be perfect but gotta get past the last interview.
My actual only worry is that I went and got my nose pierced yesterday cause I’m dumb and I’m worried old people will hold that against me. I think it’ll be fine and if they don’t want me because of it then that’s their lose (but I really need this stupid job)
If it’s a vid/zoom interview you SHOW your good side!!! Millennials are running all the gears of PR infrastructure so one wee nose stud should not be a problem I would hope!! (Or you just take it out for the 15-20 min interview then shove it back in 😝)
It’s in person so can’t do that. Also don’t want to risk taking it out and having issues with it cause when they’re that new they can start to heal up even after a few minutes