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Cat Lady | Thinks She’s Hilarious
She/Her 🏳️‍🌈💙💜💖
Reposted byAvatar SCJacka
This photo is pure 2024.
Felt like a Non-Compliant kind of 4th
Today I got pied in the face (with shaving cream) and utterly drenched during water day. These goobers are fun but I am so tired
Very happy to have had today off from camp but I really wish we had 4 day weeks every week for this.
How do people have children? I can barely handle these little dorks for 8 hrs at a time
Poor baby had to go to the vet today and because she’s a butt has to be knocked our and now she’s groggy and grumpy at me
In other news. I am out of shape and my body hurts!
Had my first set up day at a summer camp I’m working at for a couple months and I have never felt more like “hello fellow kid” Buscemi in my life
Good vibes appreciated for tomorrow. Have an interview for a job I’d be perfect but gotta get past the last interview.
I’m trepidatious about what all this will ultimately mean but at the same time, this text from my mom this afternoon was fun
In a want to drink or eat my feelings mode but there’s no actual like bad thought or feeling. Just general malaise. Maybe I’m just hungry
I just remember Rinzler rolled over on a step last night and fell down the stairs (she’s fine)
All I wanted to do today was play my silly kitty game on Switch but things seem to be conspiring against me
Fucking X-men 97!!!
Rewatching the X-Men movies before Deadpool this summer. Man, everyone in the first one is a baby!
Reposted byAvatar SCJacka
My brain at 2am every night when I should be sleeping
Have a teledoc appointment at 5:45 that just for a prescription refill but my millennial anxiety has had me stressing about it all day 🙃
I love ren faire ☺️
Drew blood crafting so the sacrifice is complete and I can continue
Had a dumb fun time at Dapper Day with (who also made my amazing dress) yesterday ☺️
Supposed to me working on a hair piece for tomorrow but someone had other plans
Well, snap, I got it! Not til the end of June and only a few weeks so gonna be tight for a while still but it’s something
Interviewed with a summer camp today & it felt mostly ok except I kinda lied & said I’d taught k-8 & then couldn’t make up examples for a question. Hopefully that means they’ll add me as a counselor instead of an instructor. I could do both but I know I don’t have actual experience for the latter
Not focusing on the cashier at Costco who when I repeated that I’d scanned something called me a micromanager and said I must be a mother (i laughed in his face) and instead focusing on the nice man in the parking lot who offered to take my cart back up with his
Get hype!!
I have way too much work to do this week but this dress I’m making gonna be SO PRETTY!! It will be unveiled Sunday at Disneyland… just not on me #mysterious
Interviewed with a summer camp today & it felt mostly ok except I kinda lied & said I’d taught k-8 & then couldn’t make up examples for a question. Hopefully that means they’ll add me as a counselor instead of an instructor. I could do both but I know I don’t have actual experience for the latter
Reposted byAvatar SCJacka
2024 Scream Break is back at Six Flags Magic Mountain. The event is pretty much the same as last year but it's a great opportunity to get your hot season started early. Halloween isn't for another 7 months and this is a solid chance to spend 40 bucks and get a night full of thrills and chills.
2024 Scream Break is back at Six Flags Magic
Chuck is not impressed by how much of the lyrics to Weird Al’s “My Baby’s in Love With Eddie Vedder” I can pull out of nowhere but he also doesn’t realize that that song is like perpetually stuck in my head
T’was a warm first day of spring in the park this afternoon
Reposted byAvatar SCJacka
Quote Skeet your last photo before the world changed. Sally, Chuck and I did a cosplay wig prep night for 2020 Emerald City Con. Shortly after, we withdrew from the con and the whole event was cancelled within a few weeks.
Bourbon Street was a ghost town, like a zombie movie. There were a few street performers and no music. Almost all the restaurants were closed but a few would give you a to-go meal if you asked nicely.
I strive to once again be this level of fashion icon