
The Biden admin is aiding the slaughter of the people of Gaza right now, but it’s the people pressuring him to stop who are the problem.
If leadership of your org is more concerned with accelerationism than preventing fascism, then you’re not leftist or progressive in any meaningful sense. You’re a wrecker who wants to see a lot of people die unnecessarily.
So the goal in that statement is not changing course on any policy. It’s stated right in the text that the intent is political disaster, thus electing Trump, who will apparently be better? Like, what’s the end goal here other than punishing people who don’t want Trump elected?
DSA’s position is about Gaza, it’s more than just one tweet. An if you want Biden to win, you should be pushing him for a cease fire too.
The idea that it’s just about Gaza for a lot of folks really doesn’t survive in my mind past the point where there’s no concern about what a Trump admin would mean for Gaza. Short of that, give em hell. Past that point, I no longer believe you.
Also, you know what’s really bad for coalitions? Actively kneecapping the political and policy goals of your coalition-mates. I also hold Palestinian liberation at or near the top of my priorities list, but I have lots of other stuff on it that is also very important and life and death. Don’t you?
To be super clear: I’m not trying to be suggestive about what *else* may be at play in such a case. The situation I most often suspect is bitter feelings about Democrats being shitty, which are very valid. But again, another Trump admin wouldn’t help that either. We have to take it all seriously.
Yeah, in the event of a ceasefire -- a real possibility given the reporting this week -- the goal posts will move to "you said we had to vote Biden because Trump would be worse on Gaza, but now that it's over you can't threaten us with that anymore."
I hope not because that would be so silly! I don’t want to assume bad faith, I think it’s much more likely tunnel vision. But we shall see.
I think I’m going weigh what’s actually happening over the stuff Jeremy is making up.
Would love to be wrong. Anyone who tries to pull that is proving that, for them, it was never actually about Palestinians' lives or any progressive cause
You know you can actually look into what people and organizations want, rather than making stuff up, right?
Of course there’s concern for what Trump would do. So why risk the possibility of handing him a genocide?