tim "dicey" fitzzz

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tim "dicey" fitzzz


dev, sysadmin, libsoc, gtarp enthusiast, enjoyer of being a dad

also at: http://mastodon.social/@diceyfitz • http://cohost.org/fitzzz
Most important election of our lives but if we lose we can feel good that we tried. Participation trophy vibes for fighting authoritarianism.
Joe Biden and his circle are so desperate to get credit for being the ones who defend US democracy that they refuse to realize they are putting it very much in jeopardy with their hubris.
Man, if it turns out that the right winger telling NY Times readers that they should follow his example and not vote did in fact vote in the last two elections, the Times should add this to the piece. Better than a retraction, since it illustrates a willful hypocrisy.
He voted in both 2020 and 2022.
Yeah, publishing this fuckwit is a big embarrassment for the Times. Guy admits the first reason he doesn’t vote is registering is too hard. There exist to be made many actually enlightening and challenging cases for not voting — this is as far from that as possible
yoda arrogantly oversaw the collapse of the republic and died in exile
honestly they’re kinda cooking with this
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
The Fourth of July is always such a joke but this year especially. Imagine being so proudly patriotic about your freedoms and yet not even noticing when they get completely taken away
The Times is obviously trying to get Biden out of the race, but I don’t believe it’s to help Trump.
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
i know it sucks but i don't see how it's anyone but kamala. she's been the known understudy. people voted in the general election in 2020 w/ this possibility on their minds. and if it's not her, the worms in the can that's going to open up will run through any remaining chance of beating trump.
Just thinking about politics right now makes me sick to my stomach ngl. I'll get over it I'm sure, this has happened a couple of times before when doom levels have reached critical
From the Times’ analysis of the Court’s ultimate betrayal of liberalism yesterday, this wild graph. There is something actually wrong with us if we really believe that six fascists in robes can transubstantiate a monarch where none previously existed. There is no such authority. BUT SUDDENLY, lmao
I'm genuinely baffled by this response from soooo many people. Doubts about Biden's competence are not an invention of the media -- whatever your view of those doubts, they exist. The headline complained about below is stating a fact that liberals need to be at least strategizing around to win!
Support your independent journalists, folks. Listen. There's a cohort of us who were trained (in some fashion, not always formally) in the job of reporting as it existed just before the rise of online news. Many are retired or have left the field, but the quality indies are among this group.
The thing I can't stop thinking about is this: I'm 48, and in my adult lifetime there has been one Republican who won the popular vote. But I will probably spend the rest of my life under the authority of a Supreme Court dominated by hard right conservatives. How is that democracy?
ironically the only thing restraining biden from drone striking the insurrectionist supreme court justices is that the justices he would appoint to replace them would hold him accountable
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
i have so much boundless contempt for these pathetic white men, who were blessed enough to be born in one of the few attempts at multiracial democracy in the world, and who panic at being no more valued than anyone else to the extent that they'd blow it all up and go back to divine right of kings
In my comic book reading group this week we read Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe -- yk, the graphic novel that keeps getting held up and banned by anti-trans lunatics citing great harm to children. And I knew that was nonsense, but y'all it's a wholesome, earnest, illuminating and wildly human delight.
The classic text on this by @chrislhayes.bsky.social is still jaw-dropping to read 20 years later archive.is/V3sbx
swing voters and undecided voters basically by definition think about and engage with politics differently than anyone on this site, anyone who writes for the ny times, and the vast majority of the times’ subscribers. otherwise they wouldn’t be undecided/swing voters.
PS: If Biden's looking for a way to revive his candidacy, he should pack the Court immediately, framing it as a post-Jan. 6th nat'l security measure and a reclamation of executive powers SCOTUS has unconstitutionally usurped. People should press him to do that, if they're any more awake than he is.
After Biden's barn-burning stump speech (so-called; I didn't watch) I have even more questions for CNN's audio engineer
Letting the first debate be a CNN joint instead of an official debate commission one has got to go on the list of massive Biden campaign blunders. They did him so, so dirty with the vocal mix
Yeah, as much as I also had a visceral "this is a disaster" reaction, publishing this is classic self-appointed media gatekeeper ego shit, positioned much better to actively throw votes to Trump than to convince Biden to leave the race. Did they think they could just strongarm him out? Lmao
Maybe this really is the “lol nothing matters” election.
Voters: they’re mysterious!
OK, some of my alarm is receding a bit. In the interest of recovering some chill I'm going to go ahead and focus on my hope that I am misreading this and that really it will be of no consequence
All right, well... I really don't fucking know, man
this election cycle is profoundly fucking weird and I don't think we're ready for it
Harris is doing her job very well trying to clean things up with Anderson Cooper, but by being so sharp and competent it’s really just making Biden look worse. Brutal irony there
Letting the first debate be a CNN joint instead of an official debate commission one has got to go on the list of massive Biden campaign blunders. They did him so, so dirty with the vocal mix
Whoever is responsible for the sound mix at this debate needs to be relieved of duty. Biden’s voice doesn’t usually sound this thin, this is a choice somebody is making or failing to make
Biden has got to figure out how to stop looking like he’s staring at the pearly gates every time he isn’t speaking
I feel like either the pandemic made all the good public intellectuals into gamers or it made all the good public intellectuals admit they were gamers all along, not sure which
I will be watching the debate as god intended: As background noise while I check out an Elden Ring DLC speedrun at 2x playback
Trump is also doing badly — he is currently ranting about NATO in response to a question about a Palestinian state — but the moderators just moved on with no follow-up, what the hell is this thing even
[extremely sadly and very distressed] lmfao