
Here's a thought to simmer on your mental stovetop: Unconditional Basic Income isn't just about putting money in more pockets and security in more souls. It's about acknowledging that our greatest resource isn't gold, oil, or data—it's human potential. Unleashing that? Priceless.
I agree. Unfortunately, the exact reasons why the establishment will only be forded into it. Because they don’t give a ah1t about human potential beyond raising revenue and is a renewable resource.
tfw you realize what the hr department really does for a company "oooo, ima human, and i am the resource to be managed, similar to fuel and disposable batteries, coolio"
And this is why it will not happen: deep down our culture doesn’t want to acknowledge that people _have value_.
this is gonna be the least convincing argument even tho it's the most critical underpinning peeps against ubi tend to buy into the pre-deserved fate of others so they can feel good about themselves they're not interested in helping "losers who couldn't hack it; that would never be me tho, i rock"
It's more productive to attempt to sell it by appealing to selfish impulses. all boats rise together and all that... can pay proactively or reactively... police, firepersons, medical personal and infrastructure and other reactive, bureaucratically wasteful options, or ubi...
Except that doesn't work either. They don't care if it's cheaper because it's not actually about saving money, no matter what they say out loud. It's about punishing people they feel superior to. They will willingly shoot themselves in the foot if it will harm the people they hate.
"you know all those people you can't stand bc they have all those problems? what if they and their problems mostly went away without you doing anything much personally, and it was even cheaper than what you pay now. plus all the stores have more customers"
John Ruskin: "Unto this last" : c.1860 . . .
Yeah, stop investing in military, nukes and space exploitation and there will be money, food and free health care for everyone
I've thought a lot about UBI, I'm no expert, and while I think it's inevitable, I think that we'd have to put corporate windfall taxes in place first. However, I think we should already be doing that.
I agree. Not sure the Establishment does.
even ubi studies are outlawed in a number of states... categorically opposed, they see and fear basilisk.
Weird, isn't it? In a MARKET BASED economy customers are not supposed to have any money. SMFH.
understanding UBI is necessarily more complicated than that. provides a stable substrate for necessary adaptation and flourishing society the morality and dignity are just bonuses