Syl Drekisdóttir

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Syl Drekisdóttir

Ink Witch. Ninja in Training. Recovering Fuckboi. Biracial Badass. She/Her/Your Eminence.
Make a band more vegetable Daft Pumpkin
Make a band more vegetable Def Lettuce
give me a movie character you’re gay for
give me a movie character you’re gay for (excruciatingly and eternally)
Justice is a myth. Harm can not be undone. Restitution can never be fully made.
Look, I don't want shitty people, including the ones who harmed me, to suffer. I want them to *redacted*. Them suffering won't undo the harm they've done or prevent them from harming more people in the future. The only thing that will ensure they don't hurt anyone again is if they *redacted*.
Look, I don't want shitty people, including the ones who harmed me, to suffer. I want them to *redacted*. Them suffering won't undo the harm they've done or prevent them from harming more people in the future. The only thing that will ensure they don't hurt anyone again is if they *redacted*.
"Whether we turn to the declarations of the past, or to the professions of the present, the conduct of the nation seems equally hideous and revolting. America is false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future."
It will forever drive me nuts that one of the most beautiful bits of lesbian romance I've ever heard was said on a TTRPG show shared between a half-phoenix wizard on a time traveling vacation with her weird dad to her tiefling rock star girlfriend via a meteor shower And said by a STRAIGHT CIS MAN.
Ban fireworks Legalize drugs
Recently watched a video where I learned that the Appalachian Mountains are so old that they formed before the rings of Saturn. And I immediately thought of posting about the Catskills.
Made some cash, met some nice creative types, saw and talked to some queer folk. All in all, a decent day in spite if the heat. Good wrap up to Pride month.
Shout to my lovely humans and I hope you adorable freaks are having a great day.
A lot of you haven't read "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" and it shows.
"It's not enough to give people what they need to survive, you have to give them what they need to live."
For me Art is a necessity It’s food for the soul Life without Art is merely exist and not truly living A society that doesn’t value its artists is brutal and uncivilized
It's very hard to make art in a society where it is deeply ingrained that the serious work of your life is making money for other people and taking care of your loved ones, and art is a slightly self-indulgent hobby for yourself.
Ditto for art. If you draw, paint, sculpt, etch, forge, carve, or whatever, you are an artist. If you create for pay, for friends, or for your own pleasure, whatever your motivation, you're an artist. If you haven't had time, space, energy, or security to create in years, you're still an artist.
I'd like to flip this around and say If you write, then you're a writer. You may get burnout and take a hiatus. You may be querying. You may have trouble finding time because of life getting in the way. That doesn't matter. Unless you choose to stop permanently, you're a writer.
If you make any kind of art and call yourself a "content creator" I will go angry mom on your ass so fast. "Content" is corporate pabulum. You make art. Call yourself an artist, hold your head up high, and don't help bean-counters and empty suits to degrade you. They'll do that on their own.
Jfc, this "if everyone is free to make art with no financial pressure, we'll be buried in mediocre art" guy just keeps digging that hole deeper.
Not only is it okay, it's imperative. Adapting to new information is a survival necessity. The inability to change one's mind is maladaptive and self-destructive. There is nothing admirable in being unwilling to change your beliefs.
it is okay to change your mind about something or someone when presented with new information. it’s okay to have misjudged because you were lacking that information to begin with. it’s okay to have been wrong. learn from it, grow, and try to take lessons from your own mistakes AND other people’s.
Honestly if money were made unnecessary to live we would almost certainly be getting more art out of people, not less, let's make money superfluous to existence and find out
“if money was abolished would you still make content?” is the most insane AI bullshit i have ever heard in my life i was making art and drawing way before i was making money for it how fucking corrupt are these pieces of shit? money is barely part of the equation. its only there cause i NEED IT
Spent my birthday rewatching #Arcane season one with the girlfriend. Gay couch snuggles watching a gay ass show is how to live life.
Looking to commission cover art from a real artist, no AI. Retro sci-fi space cowboy stuff, nice and pulpy! If that’s your jam or the jam of an artist in your Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, I’d love to see some of your work. Thanks!
This the perfect day to support a black artist and get yourself something beautiful as a bonus. Zenzi is remarkably talented and a beautiful person. Help them out.
$169 (total including shipping) and you could own your very own Zi’s Shit original!! 💜🫶🏽💜 and support a black artist who’s desperately trying to leave their current living situation as they live with their abusers.
A New Door — Zi’s 3” x 3” Acrylic on Canvas Acrylic on Wood Easel A New Door was started in North Carolina but finished in Massachusetts. Inspired by the pain of old doors closing but the excitement and stir of emo...
Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn? Remember how she said that We would meet again Some sunny day? Vera, Vera What has become of you Does anybody else in here Feel the way I do?
I often see people desperately worried about loud and angry misinterpretation, willful or otherwise, of their work by people with limited experience with fiction, low reading comprehension skills, or malice at their core. And I cannot say this enough: fuck them kids. Do what you want.
ANYWAY: Make black and white comics. Make scarily personal comics. Make weird comics that shock and enthrall and horrify and even disgust, don't be "safe," don't be "easy," make exactly what you want. Thank you, that is all.
Honestly, this is all I've ever wanted.
Gemini: There’s a big, bright, beautiful world out there just waiting for you to defile it.
I may not be a father, but I am a daddi.
Love this line from the Chat-GPT article: "Because these programs cannot themselves be concerned with truth, and because they are designed to produce text that looks truth-apt without any actual concern for truth, it seems appropriate to call their outputs bullshit."