
I think a lot of people, including "elite media," have convinced themselves if you do anything against him, it will be to Trump's benefit somehow. He's a counter-puncher! This has led to a learned helplessness when it comes to Trump and his followers.
All I want is for someone of national import to haul off and (rhetorically) slug Trump directly in the face. I don't think anybody knows what would happen, but I'm sure he'd crumple. That's why the Colin Cowherd thing is so amazing and from such an unexpected source.
I continue to maintain that his one tool is shamelessness—the belief that you miss 100% of the shots you don't take—so he takes *every* shot to see what hits. Dems should give that strategy a try is all I'm saying.
I believe if Ted Cruz had walked across the debate stage and slapped him for insulting his wife he would have locked up the nomination
Imagine Trump in an actual fistfight with like John Kelly
Melissa Biden should be in charge of messaging for the family.
“You have no right to be here, you Nazi piece of s--t,” Melissa Cohen Biden told former Trump White House aide Garrett Ziegler as he tried to enter the courtroom during a brief morning break, NBC reported.
Hunter Biden’s Wife Goes Off at ‘Nazi Piece of Sh*t’ Outside Melissa Cohen Biden reportedly exploded at a former Trump White House aide as her husband’s federal gun trial began.
Like this bullshit in the Guardian that looks like it was written by the pitchbot.
Most Simon Jenkins pieces look like the pitchbot. He thinks he’s being “contrarian” when in reality he’s just writing what is objectively twaddle.
And it’s complete bullshit. He’s a spineless zero.
His counterpunching has cost him 300 million dollars this year!!! No way he owes that amount of money if he just quietly settles
I mean, I'm struggling with why Stormy didn't say, "You want my *silence*? That shit costs $2M up front and $100k a month." She does that and we all know the truth much sooner.
She believed her life may be in danger. She still may be right She’s said this is why she accepted. She considered the other option which could have been for him to silence her another way
I'm sure he hinted that it might be. I think the evidence since is that he's not up to someone who is actually tough.
Stormy has described someone who menaced her, I believe in a grocery parking lot of something? Mobsters have goons. Whether it was or wasn’t, it was enough to make her believe he meant business. Mob bosses order hits all the time. She had to consider this threat as a real concept
Men kill women every day of the week, for far less reasons. For all we know he might have already. Who’s to say what might have been on the menu at a Jeff Epstein island retreat Which is also why Epstein’s suicide seems so sus These things don’t exist in a vacuum Who knows. I don’t
You and I apparently disagree about what to do when threatened by goons.
Or you know this "elite" media might just be fascist collaborators
The consistent undertone of political violence must also chill some of the response.
This is simply because he DOES things. ... By which I mean, he TALKS CONSTANTLY. In his endless blather, you could cherry-pick and make it sound like he has an active strategy, when it's really just ramblings. But "media analysts" need to analyze. And the Democrats fucking do NOTHING.
Disagree, this only makes me fight harder. 😐