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disabled agender demi/gray ace writer creator person w/ADHD. they/she. contact: [email protected].
Authors and illustrators! Sign this open letter urging Scholastic to discontinue their “Share Every Voice” program (which made “diverse” books a separate, opt-in category) and go back to including diverse books in all their book fairs, by default. 📚 #authors
hey allosexuals: I’m working on an ace iceberg video and that requires also talking about what it’s like to NOT be ace, ever so briefly. So: What is sexual attraction like for you, and how do you know if you have it? Pls RT! I’ll be quoting some answers in said video. ♥️ #QueerSky #LGBTQIA
$120 more in donations since last night!!! Thank you!!! Down to needing an even $1,000 to clear everything out!! $300 rent (eviction by Tuesday if not paid now) + other end-of-the-month utility bills due RIGHT NOW. Please help if you can... don't want to be sweating it on Monday!! #Helpsky 💸💕
I’m getting closer to being able to rent a fully accessible hotel room for the month until I can speak to a social worker and get my name on the list for housing. Currently @ 500/1500 🤍 this is really really urgent
I’m so scared. I haven’t ate or slept in 2 days. I’m wandering the streets and I’m sitting in urine and fecal matter because I have nowhere safe for my personal support worker. I need to eat and a motel to sleep. I need at least $100.
🚨STOP SCROLLING 🚨 I’m a queer nb disabled ace & I need your help for living. Now at $120 needed by eod TOMORROW. 12 people at $10 or 6 at $20 would cover it! PLEASE RT. It does matter!! v-nmo/c^sh^pp- secretladyspider p^ypal - [email protected] #MutualAidRequest #Boost
🚨STOP SCROLLING 🚨 I’m a queer nb disabled ace & I *really* need your help. please, please RT. There were only 2 donations yesterday. $270 is needed by EOD TOMORROW& one bill is overdue. v-nmo/c^sh^pp- secretladyspider p^ypal - [email protected] #MutualAidRequest #MutualAid #DonateOrShare
$317 to go. 32 people sending $10 or 16 sending $20 would cover it. My car insurance is already overdue and I haven’t eaten today because I’m sick and out of everything but broth. Anything helps. Funds needed by EOD Friday. Thank you. #MutualAid #DisabilityPrideMonth #MutualAidRequest #DonateOrShare
pls don’t scroll; pls at least RT. I don’t know anymore how to get folks to RT.. never doubt it makes a difference. ok.. hi, I’m Elle, a disabled nb demisexual 🏳️‍🌈 who writes about the ace spectrum. I need $320 by EOD ✨THIS FRIDAY✨ for important bills. anything helps. thank u.💛 #MutualAidRequest
pls don’t scroll; pls at least RT. I don’t know anymore how to get folks to RT.. never doubt it makes a difference. ok.. hi, I’m Elle, a disabled nb demisexual 🏳️‍🌈 who writes about the ace spectrum. I need $320 by EOD ✨THIS FRIDAY✨ for important bills. anything helps. thank u.💛 #MutualAidRequest
pls don’t scroll; pls at least RT. I don’t know anymore how to get folks to RT.. never doubt it makes a difference. ok.. hi, I’m Elle, a disabled nb demisexual 🏳️‍🌈 who writes about the ace spectrum. I need $320 by EOD ✨THIS FRIDAY✨ for important bills. anything helps. thank u.💛 #MutualAidRequest
🚨PLEASE DONT SCROLL🚨 $330 to go, needed EOD Friday July 19th. Anything helps! If 33 people sent $10 this need would be met. PLEASE RT!-without traction I will NOT get help!! v-nmo/c^sh^pp- secretladyspider p^ypal - [email protected] p-treon- #MutualAid
🚨STOP SCROLLING!!🚨time sensitive #MutualAidRequest — Queer disabled ace writer in need. $50 is needed TODAY for internet, $400 needed EOD Friday July 19th. 🚨Please RT!🚨 Or comment to boost!! v-nmo/c^sh^pp- secretladyspider p^ypal - [email protected] p-treon-
I am seriously having trouble recently with feeling good about myself but I keep catching myself if I start beating myself up and going “no, how do we nurture right now” and I think that’s something
🚨PLEASE DONT SCROLL🚨 $330 to go, needed EOD Friday July 19th. Anything helps! If 33 people sent $10 this need would be met. PLEASE RT!-without traction I will NOT get help!! v-nmo/c^sh^pp- secretladyspider p^ypal - [email protected] p-treon- #MutualAid
🚨STOP SCROLLING!!🚨time sensitive #MutualAidRequest — Queer disabled ace writer in need. $50 is needed TODAY for internet, $400 needed EOD Friday July 19th. 🚨Please RT!🚨 Or comment to boost!! v-nmo/c^sh^pp- secretladyspider p^ypal - [email protected] p-treon-
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
hey pssst sex isn’t required for a happy and healthy romantic relationship. Just because you expect something doesn’t mean it’s a requirement.
Help a #disabled creator survive. Back a game. Grab a game seat. or even get games FOR LIFE! Custom work available; reach out. PP: Credit/Debit: Ko-Fi: creator survive. Back a game. Grab a game seat. or even get games FOR LIFE! Custom work available; reach out. PP: Credit/Debit: Ko-Fi: #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #Helpsky 💕💸
We're now at $415/$2000. Thank you! We have a long way to go! Please share! #helpsky #mutualaid #HelpFolksLive2024 #MoreisComing 🐉❣🧡💛💚💸💕
I hate having to keep asking, I hate that its all I post. But, We are two disabled adults doing all we can to survive, and we are Not making it. We need Donations NOW if we're going to survive. #helpsky #mutualaid 🐉❣🧡💛💚💸💕
Okay, money has come in, we've paid for the storage and set aside money for food, gas, and laundry. This leaves us exactly nothing for bills. Not including rent, we owe $340. We could use help. 🟢 🔵 ⚪️ #MutualAidRequest #MutualAid #Helpsky 💸💕🆙️💰
Pay $LizTheGM on Cash Instantly exchange money for free on Cash App
🚨STOP SCROLLING!!🚨time sensitive #MutualAidRequest — Queer disabled ace writer in need. $50 is needed TODAY for internet, $400 needed EOD Friday July 19th. 🚨Please RT!🚨 Or comment to boost!! v-nmo/c^sh^pp- secretladyspider p^ypal - [email protected] p-treon-
Could i please make any help today?? I am struggling to stay above water here. I have managed to get some help so far in the past 2 months. but i need so much more. Even 10 or 20 helps tremendously.
I’m sorry, I really hate this, but.. I need help to raise $400 by July 19th for car insurance with renewal, internet, renters insurance, and gas. $70 is needed tomorrow. please RT. everything helps. ♥️ thnk u. #HelpFolksLive2024 #MutualAidRequest
scretladyspider’s support a list of direct support links for those looking to support Elle Rose, AKA scretladyspider.
I’m sorry, I really hate this, but.. I need help to raise $400 by July 19th for car insurance with renewal, internet, renters insurance, and gas. $70 is needed tomorrow. please RT. everything helps. ♥️ thnk u. #HelpFolksLive2024 #MutualAidRequest
scretladyspider’s support a list of direct support links for those looking to support Elle Rose, AKA scretladyspider.
yesterday was #NonbinaryPeoplesDay woo I am nonbinary and I wrote a thread on an overview of nonbinary genders, going all the way back to the basics and working from the ground up! #LGBTQIA #nonbinary #InternationalNonbinaryPeoplesDay 1/ 🧵
imagine just shrugging apathetically into fascism like this. cowards.
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
I'm so tired of these "unnamed reps" saying this shit in secret. If you feel that strongly about the outcome of an election that is *4 months away*, get on TV and say that shit to our faces. Say it with your whole chest or shut the fuck up and get to work winning this thing.
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
She really said, “Retire, bitch.” (The “bitch” isn’t stated but is strongly implied.”
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.