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Ya know, I believed I could count on Nicolle Wallace/Deadline Whitehouse to stop talking about President Biden stepping aside...but WTF!! "Biden should have said this. Biden should have done that". And Surprised no one brought up Hillary's emails. Thank goodness for streaming...
The investigation will be quick. 45 preaches violence. 45 preaches division. 45 preaches hate. 45 preaches more guns. 45 preaches more guns for everyone. Speaker Johnson, I believe the evidence is conclusive.
NYT: Biden was competent, but Hillary's emails. S.S. D.D. Nauseating.
News Analysis: President Biden put on a competent showing at his news conference on Thursday night, but it remained in doubt if he could stem the bleeding of Democratic support.
‘No Poll Says That’: Biden Digs In as Democratic Fears The president put on a competent showing at his pressure cooker of a news conference, but it remained in doubt if he could stem the bleeding of Democratic support.
On Morning Joe this morning, Jonathan Lemire made a flub saying that polls may show Kamala Harris couldn't beat Biden, then corrected himself to say Trump. No one jumped on him or said a word. Side note: a much younger George Bush made up words b/c he did not know the correct one. Hardly a mention.
These polls are not a total of all Americans or a total of all registered voters. These results reflect a percentage of the number of people polled, which may be 100, or 1000, or even 10000...not millions of people. Stop putting so much credence in poll numbers.
Most Democrats nationwide say that President Biden should end his reelection campaign based on his performance in the presidential debate two weeks ago, according to a Washington Post-ABC News-Ipsos poll.
Most Democrats want Biden to drop out, but overall race is static, poll More than half of Democrats say Biden should end his candidacy. Overall, 2 in 3 adults say the president should step aside, including more than 7 in 10 independents.
I find it so difficult to believe the poles that show a dictator leading over a pro-democracy candidate in this country. It is frightening. But when George Clooney came out publicly calling for President Biden to step back, it felt like a gut punch. That said - a Harris/ Buttigieg ticket?
Avatar Do we really believe 45 will even name a vice president? Other dictators do not have VP's. Why would any one want this job, anyway? 45 never stepped in when the insurectionists were chanting for Mike Pence to be hanged...what hope do these other schmucks have?
Trump’s V.P. Reveal May Be This Week. Or Donald J. Trump’s monthslong search for a running mate, orchestrated to feed speculation and attention, is nearing an end, but questions of who, and when, remain.
What do we want here; a president on TV vomiting words and patting him/herself on the back? Or someone actually working for us? Inflation Reduction Act, lowering the cost of insulin, Infrastructure bill, strongest economy in the world... But wait, there's more
Correct! People sending links to campaign websites and statements, which: great! But again, the main messenger of a campaign *is its candidate*
30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Drone armies, expanded overtime pay and over-the-counter birth control pills are just some of the new things Biden has ushered in as president that you might not have heard about.
I know I am repeating myself here but - In a democracy, a president does not run a country by him/herself. There is the VP, the cabinet members, and many advisors. It comes down to a president who has the values & morals we believe in. And of course, these 3 things: Policy, Policy, Policy.
Blah blah blah Joe Biden’s mental state blah blah blah
Reposted byAvatar Sharon
If Trump has “no idea” who the authors behind Project 2025 are, he’s showing an alarming cognitive decline. He appointed most of them to roles in his administration! Project 2025 is, in short, the plan to implement what Donald Trump has said he wants to do if he’s reelected.
Agreed. Additionally, does any one notice that 45 is not commenting on the public chaos within the Democratic Party? Why should he? The "leaders" are tearing down the party all by themselves...and in turn, will tear down democracy. Media/Congress, you are handing 45 the keys to the WH again.
Reposted byAvatar Sharon
Avatar -Just canceled my Disney+ subscription. If Abigail Disney will no longer support Democrats and President Biden, and is willing to allow a greater possibility of 45 getting re-elected (lack of donor funding),then I have no use for Disney.
Disney heiress urges Biden to step aside as she halts donations to But Biden said today that he's "not going anywhere."
Kimberly Atkins Stohr is a rock star! Watching/listening to her on Deadline Whitehouse telling Democrats to wake up and fight for Biden. Rs continue to support 45, no matter what he says, while Dems question Biden at every turn. Dems were not excited about Biden in 2020 - look how that turned out!
Reposted byAvatar Sharon
Immigrants are critical to our society. They’re also critical to the American economy, paying billions in taxes and boosting economic growth. The demagogues who say otherwise are just trying to divide us against each other to consolidate their own power. Don't fall for it.
One thing I want to know is, how much did the conservative justices (and I use the word 'justices' here very loosely), get paid this term to make the decisions they made, and which outside entities paid them.
Reposted byAvatar Sharon
Yes!!!!! Exactly this!!!
Reposted byAvatar Sharon
Doomerism is chickenshit. an embarrassment to every ape that threw a rock at a bear to protect the tribe. if you actually believe this doomer shit what are you posting for? it's chickenshit and i will have no truck with it. you had something better to do with your life than make the world better?
Reposted byAvatar Sharon
Reposted byAvatar Sharon
Trump’s tax giveaway added $2 trillion+ to the deficit. Making them permanent would cost $3 trillion. More than 60% of the benefits would go to the richest 20%. He’s now eyeing a second round of corporate tax cuts. Does that sound like a champion of the working class to you?
End of feed.