
Tice and other Reform dark money sources have deep pockets. I look forward to the regular updates that Farage and the other Reform reprobates will have to provide to Parliament, especially after Starmer's opening shot on standards.😀
Reform spent £108,413 on Meta ads for each seat they won, the Lib Dems just £3,700.
Dark, deep pools of money? Near Farage? Does it help destroy and weaken the west? Difficult to trace? That ticks an awful lot of Russian boxes.
I can foresee trouble ahead. They are bound to break the rules.
But of course, and BoJo created procedural precedent for disrespecting and undermining Parliamentary process. Hoyle will have to markedly up his game but I'm hopeful that standards may be policed better. Fines ahead.
I read somewhere that they have to elect a new speaker. I'm not sure if that means rubber stamping Hoyle or getting a new one?
Oh, good point. MPs elect a speaker for the new Parliament after a general election. It may not be Hoyle again.
If I were to guess I would say a new Speaker, with him enobled. By-election which could give an opportunity to Ashworth or another who lost. Nobody knows though (and would Labour win a by-election?)!
Follow the money 💰...
Indeed. Farage has had Putin's cheques since at least Crimea in 2014