
Reform spent £108,413 on Meta ads for each seat they won, the Lib Dems just £3,700.
Although actually by vote share the Greens, who have a ground game, spent about the same as Reform?
This is only Meta ads, though, isn't it? The Greens seem to have spent a significant portion of their entire budget that way, whereas, say, Labour and the Conservatives spent a tiny proportion of their budget on Meta. I suspect Reform also spent a small amount off their total budget that way.
Meta (Facebook) is as crucial for election advertising as primetime TV advertising used to be. I don't know about proportions, but this is an important expense.
It is, but by the looks of it, the Greens spent around about 50% of their national budget on it, whereas Labour and the Conservatives probably only about 5% (although that's hard to estimate yet).
Where will they find the cash to do this at scale? Putin's a bit strapped at the moment
Not the point I know, but it also neatly illustrates why the electoral commission’s harshest penalties don’t really worry the likes of Ref0rm 🤬 If they can afford to spunk that sort of cash on advertising then a few thousand here and there for the odd transgression isn’t going to bother them.
So US. It will be those with biggest pot get the seats. reform will spend big to gain momentum. Hold on to your hats.
Where do they declare the Russian bot farms?
Though they did actually get about 4 million votes, so maybe it did have some impact.
Here’s the spend per vote if anyone’s interested:
Suspect that's in part due to different reasons. Reform and Greens don't have great traditional campaign infrastructure/expertise and so social media is more effective. LDs don't do SM well but have very clear preference on staff and leaflets. They also don't have much £.
I disagree on the Greens front. They've been quietly building up campaign infrastructure over the last few years. In their target seats they had literally hundreds of people going out doorknocking and leafleting in the last few weeks.
The Greens were the only ones we saw in our area (Mark Harper MP, as was). Battlebus (motor caravan) and supporters in town centre. Admittedly, this was about noon on election day. There were a few posters in Harper’s office window, but Labour ended up on top (just).
Yeah, that result in Forest of Dean looks like a plausible Green target for next time (I don’t work with them, no insider information, not a member etc, just fond of them)
Only got around 4K votes this time. Greens are in the majority (since 2023) on FoD Council, after Ind. But it, like most District councils, doesn’t do a lot. Recycling arrangement here is currently, er, rubbish - won’t take any plastic other than bottles.
Yeah, but council seats and a 4K votes is kind of what they built from in those four targets this year. And FoD seems natural territory for them (to me, someone who’s been there at least twice).
Well I am happy to concede I'm wrong, I was basing this on my local Greens, who do not. They are not bad campaigners but they do use social media ads a lot more than say leaflets. They also don't have a canvass management software/database
In their target seats they really acted like a proper campaigning organisation. Canvass managing software, big ground game, get out the vote targeting. All that jazz.
Suspect that will be one thing that rolls out everywhere now they have 4 MPs and presumably a lot more Short Money.
Yeah, they should be getting a fair amount, especially compared to previous elections. They really seem to be preparing for the future and I wish them well.
I can only speak for the Scottish Greens here, but suspect it applies to the Green Party too - branch capacity for campaigning varies a *lot*. Up here, the Glasgow lot have local councillors and hundreds of feet on the ground for campaigning. In my rural constituency, we have 10 people...
In the closest city who are currently active members rather than just numbers on a page.
I wonder if LDs got any for free? 😉
Probably not. I don't think a party can accept free services from companies, they have to declare them as donations & election expenses. If you look on the donations site there's stuff declared like "£148.70: Madge's catering company".
These are just central ads? Not individual constituency or candidates?
I don’t know. Looks like total party spend. Will have to dig deeper.
Possibly. But then you've got both constituency pages and individual candidate pages. I'm not saying someone hasn't checked about 2000 pages and then worked out what was spent on each during the campaign but.. what a balls-ache that'd be in such a short time! Plus they only give ranges often.
It's an open source software project, they've got the code that does it for them on GitHub
Cool! Still must have been a balls ache to find them all! I added a few of the finalised constituency candidate lists to the open source candidate database thing and there were loads without FB/constituency FB info. Bravo them for finding them all!!
Open source Devs can be the bees knees! There are some great data projects on GitHub. It's a shame they also include folks writing AI chatbots for scammers
When 30p Lee does the Company accounts will he be able to balance the books or will shareholders be asked once again to cough up?
Has anyone got screenshots of the ads?
Not that I’ve seen but I presume they’re out there.
I'd be interested - bet they are chock full of misinformation
Ooh. Interesting. What’s the source for that, if it’s ok to share, please?
It’s from Who Targets Me which tracks political adverts and campaigns for transparency.
High time the funding of political parties was regulated and capped
Do you know if this includes the Scottish Greens? We're a completely separate party to the English & Welsh lot who won the seats
I stand corrected, they got back to me straight away - it does indeed include the Scottish Greens
Great, thanks. And very efficient of them.
I have emailed them now but there's a separate address for media enquiries so you might get a faster response than me if you're interested