
A charming soul has left a comment on my Instagram saying they like everything about my books except the "feministic viewpoints and evolution undertones." And I...what?
Evolution UNDERtones? UNDERtones? I feel slightly insulted here. I thought I was way more aggressive in my evolutionist viewpoint than that.
This was my precise thought! I apologize for you having to encounter someone who does not have good reading comprehension today. I hope that person one day finds someone who writes what they want to enjoy in a novel.
I'm wondering what they looked about the books? The font? The taste of their e-reader screen? The taste of the font, perhaps?
"Evolutionist"? That's like calling an astrophysicist "relativist". It's not a belief system, it's reality. Life evolves, relativity applies in Einsteinian space. Them's just facts.
The wonderful thought put into the murdermaids* (perfect, plausible, absorbed with nary a ripple that would jar a reader out of the book and into a 'Hang on, that's not... right...') was apparently too subtle, along with every other book/novella/short story? *at my forefront due to recent rereads
Wait, the Oberon-Maeve-Titania thing isn’t a metaphor for the holy trinity and a refutation of the theory of evolution by saying all life was created by that trinity?
I don't know what they were looking at to then have to look underneath to find these themes. They're not undertones, they're tones. If they say they like your writing except for those things, they don't like your writing. They like the version of your writing in their heads.
Maybe they skimmed and think the Covenant are the good guys..?
*Under*tones. There is not a big enough *what* in the world lmao
ALL CAPS is the key from here on out.
Hope you don't feel too insulted - they're clearly lacking in understanding so can't be expected to recognise all the strands of your work that could be described as general knowledge!
Maybe they meant in more of the music version, reaching down lower? Almost certainly not, but it's a fun thought experiment.
I read this to Paul, cackling, and he guffawed. You’re enraging the right people.