Roz Loves Food

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Roz Loves Food

Dabbler in cooking & veg gardening. Fueled by tea. Player of video games & TTRPGs. Avid reader. Servant to Uschi, a demanding cat, and Grizzly, void kitten. She/her. 80% cat content, 20% everything else.
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Currently reading Babel by RF Kuang, which is an absolutely brutal tour de force that should be required reading.
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Until food and shelter is effectively free, we need to pay all of our creatives if we want to see it
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New shop update has gone live! Lots of pretty shinies looking for their forever homes 💜
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This is how you do it.
Throwback to kitten Uschi, who is all SURPRISE AMBUSH baby.
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I don't really want to live in interesting times anymore.
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We're all panicking, I think, because the alternative is just to fucking grim. Let's all ease back on what we can't be certain about (who will be the best nominee to beat Trump) and get loud about what we ARE certain about: Trump is manifestly, grotesquely unfit.
This is one thing that irks me. My experience is that the people arguing Biden should stay are much more open to the idea that they’re wrong, and the people arguing Biden must go are like “you soup brained moron what are you thinking?”
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Astronaut Vessels ready to be fired for the restock. Painting these was cathartic.
It was Uschi's 3rd birthday while we were gone on a trip. Here is one of her baby pictures (she has always been ridiculously cute, but kitten era was EXTRA).
Please enjoy this Happy Man compilation in these trying & hellishly toasty times.
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If you’re going to Worldcon, now’s about the time you should get a Covid booster shot to make sure it’s as effective as possible while you’re there.
Current situation: Grizzly behind my chair and Uschi on my desk. I think I will be under close observation for a few days, to make sure I don't leave again.
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“Don’t even think about it, Zin,” Emmory said. “First off, you’re not having a drinking contest with the empress. Second, she probably can out drink you. You’re good but you’re not in the same league as someone who drank a squad of Hyperion Royal Marines unconscious.”
We bought these adorable placemats while on vacation. Grizzly is ready to manifest the scene. Uschi... not so much.
I am home! Please enjoy these cats.
Grizzly has promised to take over the social media while I'm traveling. Somehow, I think the lack of thumbs and literacy is going to prevent that.
I won't be home for babygirl's 3rd birthday on Friday. Happy early birthday, Uschi!
Uschi blends in well with Mom's furniture.
While I drink black tea almost continuously, today I had a mocha and I CAN SEE TIME. How do coffee drinkers adapt to that much caffeine in one drink?
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This is a list made by Boreal-Sea at tumblr. It's pretty straightforward. These will (probably) come up in the debate. I'm interested in what they have to say.
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If you can't vote for hope, vote for revenge.
An underrated possible future is that in a few months time Donald Trump loses the election and then spends the rest of his life in court and in jail for his many crimes. Like, this could definitely be how things go
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An updated schedule of our guests at Trans Comics @ Trans Pride this Friday! Turns out we end at 9 and not 10 as we initially thought so everyone's moved up an hour! :3
GenX v Millennial sensibilities. Husband, Millennial, relays story of co-worker's 8 year old daughter walking alone to a small corner grocery store 2 blocks from home to get cream cheese for bagel. Semi-aghast tones. GenX me, who walked to gas station to buy Mom's cigarettes at same age, 'and...?'
Do you love quick, well-paced horror novels? Novels about the briny deep and the terrors that lurk below the surface? Would you like to terrify everyone else on the beach with your beach read? If yes, may I suggest AKA Mira Grant's Rolling in the Deep?
Well. There's a stranger cat treed outside. Left two messages with cat in trees rescue services. How's your morning?