Definitely Not a Fae

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Definitely Not a Fae

A Queer SFF nerd with ADHD,
Mental Health professional and caretaker at home,
And absolutely not a fae.
My dad ultimately passed away after dealing with multiple cancers, but it all started with an HPV-caused throat cancer. I'm so glad Sam is in recovery and advocating for HPV vaccination.
My goal is still at 148/250 for the phone bill, I have 7 days to get this met and I'm hoping to meet it with shop sales but I'm open to tips! 💕💸 I'm working on more that I think folks will love. I'm also moving in 3 weeks, hoping to get extra funds after for that, too.
Visit Lexa's Ko-fi Shop! I've opened a Ko-fi shop. Come take a look!
This comic anthology about the asexual experience has only 2 days left, and they’re SO CLOSE to their goal!! Asexuality is so poorly understood in the queer spectrum, and doesn’t get spotlit enough. Let’s come together & help this book get made this Pride Month!
Gang!!! Only $3k left, and 3 DAYS left on the campaign!! Let’s lift up our ace friends and get this book made! ♠️
I Spade An Asexual Anthology
Thoroughly enjoying one of my favourites, Mr David Tennant, being extremely relaxed about saying things which are true.
Instant order for me. No one follows me here but if you did, check it out!
Hi, could I ask you please for a signal boost for a debut trans author? My first novella, out today, with a trans lead character, queer relationship, and strong Doctor Who roots. Out today from Amazon, Kobo, all good bookshops, and just in time for Worldcon
given today's news that SCOTUS will take up bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth next session, this piece has everything you need to know about the history & efficacy of this care, & debunks common anti-trans talking points against it:
Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth Is Neither New nor Experimental: A Timeline and Compilation… NOTE: this essay is a 15 minute read. If it’s listed as longer than that, it’s because it contains a list of over 100 references at the…
With alt-text because THIS IS LITERALLY EVERYONE’S EXPERIENCE & I FUCKING HATE IT. Being disabled is a godsdamn full time job battling different agencies all damn day. #NEISvoid
The new PA is pretty wonderful but partner's mood has really been swinging lately. He's scared of me leaving town. But I have to at least try to take some time for me. 🫠
In a blinds update, I had to order the bracket online. And now the bedroom is too hot because it's a heatwave. And today everything broke down. Partner broke down emotionally, he had a catheter bag issue and got talked down to by a care agency...
So we own a house and just moved in meaning that my life is unpacking, figuring out quirks of the house, and making what seems to be a never ending list of small but entirely new to me repairs.
my elderly Egyptian Uber driver happily informed me that he “supports the gays now” because he lives with a lesbian couple and “the husband lesbian is a better husband than I was”, happy pride everyone
Oh boy it's Pride and I'm already seeing anodyne "love is love" shit so: Trans rights are human rights. Protect trans people, especially trans people of color and trans children. Gay marriage must remain recognized and legal at the federal level. Cis hets, write congress and tell em.
Say "trans" and say "gay" and say "queer" every chance you get. If you're ashamed to name us, fuck off. Kink belongs at Pride, the fucking cops do not. Bi people with partners of the opposite gender belong at Pride, the fucking cops do not. Asexual people belong at Pride, the fucking cops do not
Listening to cover's Starter Villain and one person having NO IDEA this was Sci-fi for the first 5 chapters makes me want to acquire time travel and listen to the next episode immediately. They love it, I love it, the cats love it.
The past year has left me with so much daily anxiety. I can't tell if it's better that things slowly improve or worse when they inevitably deteriorate. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted.
I buy a house in less than five hours on not nearly enough sleep. This is terrifying and exciting and I don't know how to feel about it all.
I'd always grasped Murderbot's themes of slavery - it just seemed so obvious how wrong the whole system was (and that Preservation was well meaning and still wrong) But she quotes Ann Leckie in a quote that blows my mind. "The "AI takes over" is essentially a slave revolt story..."
This is the text of the keynote speech I gave today at the annual Jack Williamson Lecture at Eastern New Mexico University in Portales, New Mexico.
Not sure this will get much traction here, but! I'm buying a house, a first time home buyer with a disabled partner who uses a wheelchair. Accessibility tips? Useful modifications we could make before moving in? New homeowner tips?
Donated blood today! Give if you can, it saves lives! #BloodDonor
Savannah Bananas win! And it was a lot of fun to watch. Which is not my reaction to baseball generally. But bananaball, I am there.
I feel like Brian David Gilbert's makeover in the most recent Very Important People ( on Dropout!) was gender affirming care.
I'm just on a constant rollercoaster of hope and devastation. Things go well and are followed within 24 hours by bad news. We were gifted a replacement electronic hoyer lift, and then my car needs $2k in repairs.
He asked me to leave for a bit so he could cry. It breaks my heart. I can't "fix" this.
Murder mushroom!! He's a fun guy. Muuaaahahahahhaha!! #watercolor #art #fungus #kleinekunstklasse
Currently watching several of my Facebook friends and acquaintances die from cancer. I'd say I've just hit the particular age where this happens but my first was on World of Warcraft, 18 years ago, where one of our very young guildmates passed. Then family members. Fuck cancer.
Having to buy a replacement wheelchair charger and a replacement hoyer charger because both have broken in the past week. Haven't found my missing keys. My car has what is hopefully just a bad sensor. I'm trying to move forward but the ground is slipping out from under me