Sean MacK

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Sean MacK



⭐️⭐️🇬🇧 #RejoinEU 🇪🇺⭐️⭐️
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Former prime minister Liz Truss has backed Nigel Farage to become the next leader of the Conservative Party. She also suggested Mr Bannon, who is facing fraud charges in New York, could “come over to Britain and sort out Britain”, to which he joked that he “may be banned in Britain”. (Dangerous)🧐
Truss 'willing to work' with Nigel Farage to change the Conservative "I would like him to become a member of the Conservative Party and help turn our country around", the former prime minister said.
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The term "Luddite" as a pejorative synonym for "technophobe" was a technocrat PR coup; that's not what Luddites were about. They were a labour movement fighting to give workers control over technologies which were advancing w/o oversight and rapidly automating them out of their jobs. Sound familiar?
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4 years on from ‘Brexit day’ and you only have to look at 2 things to understand what a farcical shitshow the whole thing is: 1) the impact of border controls 2) the puerile denialism of Brexit’s champions Years of bureaucratic tedium, cost and lies to pretend we didn’t all lose.
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The paranoia of one of the architects of Brexit… Remainers have had absolutely no power and no voice since the referendum. But still, Brexiters are terrified of them. Why? Because Brexit is an epic fuck-up and we all know it and we know who’s to blame. And Frost can’t stand it.
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Ian Hislop being a total hero. When the mainstream interviewer wade into Tory (or any other) ministers like he does, we know democracy and accountability is on the way back. Go Hislop.
Just Ian Hislop bodying Tory Go toe to toe with the king you best prepare for embarrassment.Subscribe to our new podcast now, or you're a silly goose:
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This is an excellent introduction to Freeport’s which are much more sinister than their name suggests…as ever, follow the money and it’s the usual cabal of Right Wing Libertarian’s that are driving and profiteering from them and we will be picking up the bill! £2.9b so far!
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Un immense Européen nous quitte. Jacques Delors a servi l’Europe comme la France : avec talent et droiture. Le père de l’euro a transformé l’Union avec le sens de la fraternité et du progrès. Pensées très émues à ses proches et au
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Unpopular opinion but 'December Will Be Magic Again' by Kate Bush is one of the worst Christmas songs ever🎄
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"It's such a happiness when good people get together." - Jane Austen, Emma 💫 With this in mind, from my heart to yours, a very cheerful, peaceful, joyful Christmas Day to all of you. 🥂
Good morning Ray, ✊️ Happy Christmas to you mate and all the best of the Season!😀❄️🌲🕊 (GTTO 🇬🇧GE-NOW TO-536)
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Bertrand Russell’s letter to fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley, 1962
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To anyone struggling with loneliness the next couple days: Know that you are not alone! Please reach out to any of my socials in my bio and I'll respond! I've spent many holiday seasons by myself, and I know how it feels. Let's spend this one together, even if only through the internet! ❤️🎄
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Avatar Welcome to the calmer place Mr. Arse!😂
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Our services were cut to harm the poor. Our rights were removed to prevent resistance. Our taxes were raised to pay their debts. Our lives are blighted to service their greed. #NeverVoteConservative
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How can #Sunak chair a conference on AI when he supposedly can't retrieve his WhatsApp messages? #GTTO #GeneralElectionNow
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First Braverman focussed her hate & vitriol on Migrants ❌ Then she turned it onto protesters ❌ Now she’s focusing her evil, hate filled eyes on our #Homeless❌ Who will be next.. the disabled, those on benefits❗️😳 This twisted, elitist, bigoted, fascist regime needs to go 🔥🔥 #GeneralElectionNow
If you think the Home Secretary needs educating that for many - being forced to live in a tent due to destitution is not “a lifestyle choice” please share this as widely as possible
No Home Secretary - being forced to live in a tent due to destitution is NOT a “lifestyle choice��
"Freedom. Democracy. Peace. Prosperity." --Ursula von der Leyen (Address to the Verkhovnaya Rada, Kiev, Ukraine, 11.04.23) 🇺🇦 СлаваУкраїні 🇺🇦 ⭐️⭐️🇬🇧#RejoinEU 🇪🇺⭐️⭐️
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Speaking @GlasgowlovesEU event Peter Foster said #Brexit was not like oevents such as 9/11 or financial crisis. Brexit created a “permanent state of uncertainty” and was making it "incrementally harder" for companies in the single market to trade with the UK.
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What a brilliant and biting article against Boris Johnson. You'll love it! 😄😅🤣 "Four years on from winning an outright majority for the Conservatives, the great pretender has swapped Churchill’s Homburg for Del Boy’s sheepskin coat." #BrexitHasFailed
The fall and fall of the man who 'got Brexit done' Ben Wildsmith When, like a rutting dog, Boris Johnson was finally shaken off the leg of British politics, I predicted that the magnitude of his disgrace would see him leaving the country. I assumed he...