Sean Markey

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Sean Markey

publisher of death @ |
i wanted a different kind of cover for this one--something stark, something that grabs your attention... something where, when you see it it jolts you a little bit and you're like damn. what's up with this cover??? what kind of stories are inside a cover like this?! cont. below:
are your hearts ready? have your blankie? your soothing beverage? because it's ToC o'tuesday!! and let us just say this issue is MEMORABLE issue 35!! thread (just a little forewarning, there's a partial spider on the last post!) FIRST UP, Editor's Note by 1/
come say hello to @ the booth if you're @ #readercon where I am selling books! and in between selling books, I am working on my novel about... a book seller that gets bit by... a radioactive book? and becomes... A RADIOACTIVE BOOK that bites other people and books...
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I just finished's forthcoming novella From These Dark Abodes (from It's creepy and mysterious (the kind of superb mystery I just can't put down!). And when the mystery unfolds...It did not disappoint! Can't wait for this one to be out in the world!
art goes super hard
"While most ancient human remains no longer have skin and internal organs due to decay, bog bodies typically retain them." FUN FACTS! DECAY! TODAY! 💀🖤 Bog Bodies: The Naturally Preserved Mummies of Europe by A.R. Arthur
Bog Bodies: The Naturally Preserved Mummies of Europe - The term “bog bodies” sounds like something out of a science-fiction novel where peat submerged bodies emerge from the earth in some strange zombie-esque
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If you go to the press and talk about how the computer can feel, your computer license should be revoked. Elephants call each other by their names. Life is too precious. We don’t need the computer that drinks water
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A beautiful treat from for being a finalist. 💛🌻
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I've loved Abandoned Pools since I first heard them in 2001. The Haunted House is such a good album and I loved's write up. Please, go read the review and then go listen to the album it's SO GOOD.
one thing I truly hope is that people look at what we're doing with Psychopomp and think DAMN. they are doing some cool shit 4 real. (because: we totally are. This is such a cool collection!)
do you like reading stories about DEATH? well we're publishing Afterlives: The Year's Best Death Stories, 2023 -- curated by this summer. you KNOW it's gonna be good, because JUST LOOK AT THIS TOC. stacked. check it out and pls share!
Announcing the Afterlives 2023 ToC | Here it is, the amazing table of contents for our upcoming anthology Afterlives: the year's best death stories, 2023.
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I can’t wait to try this drink based on my novella. Like, it’s going to happen tonight. 🍹
NEW VIDEO ALERT! Today on Bar Cart Bookshelf we're talking about A VOICE CALLING by A rust belt gothic, this haunted house novella was chilling and atmospheric, a weight of malice on both home and town. Our drink, Button House, is an apple brandy delight.
soo excited for this!!
Delighted to see All the Things I Know About Ghosts, By Ofelia, Age 10, by , and Till the Greenteeth Draw Us Down, by included in The Year's Best Dark Fantasy and Horror Vol 5.
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Last chance! If you're nominating, a short thread of some works from last year that I really loved: "The Ferryman" by Fernanda Coutinho Teixeira: "Undog" by Eugenia Triantafyllou: 1/?
The nominations for the Hugo, Lodestar, and Astounding Awards are still open till the 9th of March so don’t forget to get your nominations in! For full information about the nomination process please see our webpages 1/2
Hugo Awards - Nomination Ballot | Glasgow EN/中文
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This novelette is just PHENOMENAL, and I blazed through it in one sitting. Do yourself a favor and read "What Any Dead Thing Wants" by now!
I feel like I never know where the border is between "not doing enough self-promotion" and "shut UP Aimee"; but I love this novelette an awful lot and I'm so happy Psychopomp asked me to write it and I just really hope someone else loves Ozzi and Hob as much as I do!
What Any Dead Thing Wants - What Any Dead Thing Wants, by Aimee Ogden. Hob and his team of clean-up exorcists remove the ghosts of various biota left behind on terraformed planets.
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you know I love EVERY single thing we publish, but this piece cuts deeper than any other piece, cutting into bone, down through the ground and into the heart of the Earth itself. if you haven't read's piece yet, really really give it a read.
climate data says: not enough moisture in the atmosphere solution: read this nonfiction essay by from 2023 THE DEADLANDS do your part. (cw: pet death)
A Dog, a Heart, a Box of Ashes, or Whom Rhodope Shed Tears For, by Maria Haskins - The pet death
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They say to do something every day that scares you, so I'm finally going to feed that fish with human teeth who keeps asking for blood.
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New CDC guidelines say it's ok to hide your zombie bite from the other survivors.
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Hi! I wrote a novelette! Please read “What Any Dead Thing Wants” if you like: human ghosts, alien ghosts, fucked-up terraforming practices, the inherent value of life however strange, and drama about whose turn it is to make dinner (IT’S MASELEY’S TURN I SWEAR)
What Any Dead Thing Wants - What Any Dead Thing Wants, by Aimee Ogden. Hob and his team of clean-up exorcists remove the ghosts of various biota left behind on terraformed planets.
beth couldn't find the peanut butter to make a baked popcorn treat, so she used black sesame paste. and that is how we ended up with gothcorn
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Fuck this hustle-culture bullshit. When I’m a skeleton I’m not doing a goddamn thing
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even though it's JUST the ARC holding this book in my hands: indescribable joy i look forward to you holding it in your hands very soon. FIRST NOVELLA 3.19.24 💀🏠👻🌳
newly arrived (and swiftly sending out): the ARCs of "A Voice Calling"
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lots of discourse on whether there should be a True Detective S5 but only one right answer: hire Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny at their current ages, name their characters Mulder and Scully, make them longtime (work) partners, do not otherwise acknowledge the existence of X-Files in the show
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“BoJack Horsemack...Horseman... oh, wait, how do I...”
Adventure Time!
I'm 4 minutes into trying to get a book printed and I'm ready to quit and go live in the Green Mountains. I'll eat acorns and...drink from fresh mountain streams and definitely die of exposure, eventually, but god... those brief, bright days free from having to deal with Ingram or Amazon... amazing