Sean Parks🔥

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Sean Parks🔥

Research scientist | public land owner | facial hair enthusiast. Science interests: wildfire, forests, global change.

Living the dream in Montana and hoping we don't turn into the nightmare called Idaho.
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Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
“I can tell you what is happening, right now, in places all around the world where reality has slammed through the roof like a fallen tree: a reckoning.” A powerful piece from
This is how a bubble ends: not with a bang, but a It's begun. We're not ready.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
Hey look, the Bike League is here!
Reminder! 📣 We're just two weeks away from the League Cycling Advocate Workshop, happening from July 24-26, 2024, at @TempleUniversity in Philadelphia, PA! 🌟 Spots are limited, so secure your seat now and become a certified bike advocate! Register here:
League of American Bicyclists - League Cycling Advocate Join your fellow bike advocates for a League-led bike advocacy workshop to help build a Bicycle Friendly America for Everyone!
Announcing the Canadian Fire Spread Dataset: We distribute interpolated progressions for fires >1,000 ha in Canada from 2002–2021, representing the day-of-burning and 50 environmental covariates for every pixel.
You know what's cool? >20 years of #remotesensing data that allows one to produce #wildfire progression, or day-of-burning, maps. Such maps have enabled some cool studies. The pub below describes a process to produce such maps. I distribute code, with no strings attached, to anyone who asks.🧪
Mapping day-of-burning with coarse-resolution satellite fire-detection data | US Forest Service Research and
The Canadian Fire Spread Dataset - Scientific Scientific Data - The Canadian Fire Spread Dataset
The Canadian Fire Spread Dataset provides a research-oriented fire growth dataset that is useful for applications such as building statistical and machine-learning fire spread models.
The folks across the lake put out a coyote decoy to keep the geese off of their lawn.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
"Only 4% of national TV news segments about Hurricane Beryl mentioned climate change. By failing to consistently make these connections, they are leaving their audiences uninformed about the full scope of the climate crisis and its immediate impacts on their lives.” - Evlondo Cooper
Only 4% of national TV news segments about Hurricane Beryl mentioned climate Hurricane Beryl, the first hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic season, rapidly intensified to a Category 5 storm by July 2, becoming the earliest recorded Category 5 hurricane in an Atlantic hurricane seas...
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
I'm a spatial person as well, and I love it!
Probably not helpful, but I don't use ESRI products for any real analyses. Everything in R. I only use ESRI products for making maps for publication and for exploring/looking at geospatial data. Making publication quality maps in R is time suck, but the analyses potential rocks.
I lived in Davis, CA, for about ten years. The pro-bike infrastructure and culture was awesome and still influences me as I continue to bike to work, out to dinner, the grocery store, etc. Biked to dinner in downtown Missoula tonight!
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
Another tragic loss from political polarization: Federal funding for scientific research – for everything from large telescopes to programs studying AI and Alzheimer’s research – is getting squeezed 🧪🛰️
Federal funding for major science agencies is at a 25-year Research funding is down in recent years despite promises made with the CHIPS and Science Act.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
The Canadian Fire Spread Dataset was published today. Valuable data set on daily fire spread and numerous other variables. This dataset can be used in a broad range of research and management applications.
The Canadian Fire Spread Dataset - Scientific Scientific Data - The Canadian Fire Spread Dataset
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
New paper out looking at human - biodiversity relationships over the last ~12,000 years across the Earth. Biodiversity increases in many locations associated with raised human landscape modification over pre-history! Read more:
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
We have a new paper out on effectiveness of protected areas for elephants! Populations in different PAs across Africa have very different trends: some are increasing, some are decreasing. Roberto's PhD looked at correlates of these differences... 1/2🧪
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
Deadline for our new Faculty Fellowship program is this coming Monday, July 15 - apply now!
📣RFP now open for the NW Climate Adaptation Science Center’s NEW Faculty Fellowship Program, supporting the skills needed to make climate adaptation research more easily applied to natural resource decision-making. Learn more here:
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
Fire & climate "The same‐season climate is notably dominant in shaping burnt area in wetter climates, whereas antecedent‐season climate has a pronounced impact in arid regions" A. Gincheva et al. #Earth'sFuture 🧪🌏🔥wildfire climate change
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
New study: Vehicles are more likely to kill pedestrians if they have tall and blunt front ends and/or flat hoods. That's a major indictment of American SUV and truck design -- at a time when US pedestrian deaths recently hit a 40-year high.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
Good point/question. Many fire scientists, including me, would argue that rx fire and other fuel treatments are not only designed to "stop fire" but also to reduce the harmful effects of subsequent fire. Rx fires are quite good at reducing the harmful effects of subsequent fire. See this paper 👇
Tamm review: A meta-analysis of thinning, prescribed fire, and wildfire effects on subsequent wildfire severity in conifer dominated forests of the Western Increased understanding of how mechanical thinning, prescribed burning, and wildfire affect subsequent wildfire severity is urgently needed as people …
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
In the early Twitter days science types would show up and post when they had a new paper. Wonderful! But real talk y'all: papers take ages to write. So, post about other people's stuff! You read a paper and it was cool! Or you had a question! Or it tied to this other thing! Tag the authors!
Science folks, one thing about bluesky is there's way less 2 way interaction between people, especially on science posts, than there was on old Twitter. I'm not sure why that is, but it's something I'm keen to encourage. I'd love to hear your thoughts 🧪
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
#Miami 's h flooding problems won't be getting better. "Sunny-day flooding, when high tides gurgle up and soak low-lying ground, has increased 400 percent since 1998, with a significant increase after 2006."
Miami Is Entering a State of No amount of adaptation to climate change can fix Miami’s water problems.
Here, we used 20 years of daily fire spread data across the Canadian boreal forest to examine how daily weather influences the prevalence of short-interval fire (reburns) "As weather conditions intensify, the resistance to fire spread declines, allowing fire to spread in recently burned areas" 🧪🌏🔥
You know what's cool? >20 years of #remotesensing data that allows one to produce #wildfire progression, or day-of-burning, maps. Such maps have enabled some cool studies. The pub below describes a process to produce such maps. I distribute code, with no strings attached, to anyone who asks.🧪
Mapping day-of-burning with coarse-resolution satellite fire-detection data | US Forest Service Research and
A modest increase in fire weather overcomes resistance to fire spread in recently burned boreal Global Change Biology is an environmental change journal tackling issues such as sustainability, climate change and environmental protection.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
This figure illustrates how record warm ocean temperatures fueled Hurricane Beryl, causing it to intensify faster, reach greater strength, maintain that strength for longer, and likely dump more rain than it would have otherwise. Source: