Sean Parks🔥

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Sean Parks🔥

Research scientist | public land owner | hockey player | facial hair enthusiast. Science interests: wildfire, forests, global change.
Here, we used 20 years of daily fire spread data across the Canadian boreal forest to examine how daily weather influences the prevalence of short-interval fire (reburns) "As weather conditions intensify, the resistance to fire spread declines, allowing fire to spread in recently burned areas" 🧪🌏🔥
You know what's cool? >20 years of #remotesensing data that allows one to produce #wildfire progression, or day-of-burning, maps. Such maps have enabled some cool studies. The pub below describes a process to produce such maps. I distribute code, with no strings attached, to anyone who asks.🧪
Mapping day-of-burning with coarse-resolution satellite fire-detection data | US Forest Service Research and
A modest increase in fire weather overcomes resistance to fire spread in recently burned boreal Global Change Biology is an environmental change journal tackling issues such as sustainability, climate change and environmental protection.
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This figure illustrates how record warm ocean temperatures fueled Hurricane Beryl, causing it to intensify faster, reach greater strength, maintain that strength for longer, and likely dump more rain than it would have otherwise. Source:
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Driving an EV vs. an ICE vehicle will save you money. How much depends on the efficiency of the EV, the MPG of the ICE car & the cost of electricity & gas. Here's a chart based on my Kia Niro EV with what I pay for electricity (13cents/kWh) vs. the average cost of gas ($3.50). What's your MPG? 🧪🔌💡
When the DMV does not want your license plate to say 'SHIT'
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As Elon Musk's public persona has become increasingly right wing, Tesla appears to be paying a price in sales. His polarizing statements have alienated some potential customers and may be partly responsible for a recent slump in sales.
Elon Musk’s Politics May Be Pushing Some Buyers Away From The Tesla chief executive’s polarizing statements have alienated some potential customers and may be partly responsible for a recent slump in sales.
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New paper led by Karen King in GRL. Using blue-light reflectivity on tree ring samples, we were able to represent temperature variability in an area that is generally not viewed as temp sensitive. Karen also created fig1, she’s a great artist!
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Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
How the Nordics became world leaders in heat pumps and saw carbon emissions from heating drop dramatically. My article for @CarbonBrief has the details 👇
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With #Beryl barreling across the Caribbean as the earliest cat. 5 on record, let’s remember that things are just going to get worse as we continue to consume nearly 100 million barrels of oil every day.
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New article with a tree-ring (blue intensity) reconstruction of summer temperatures in the southeastern USA back to 1760. Perhaps even cooler is this figure that first author Karen King drew showing the two tree species used.
"Canada is such a northern country, and we could use some more wildfire, eh."
“Canada is such a northern country, don’t we want a little global warming?” I often hear. In a nutshell, NO. We’re warming 2x faster than the rest of the world, driving extreme heat, flood, and sea level rise we are not prepared for. The wildfire season started in Feb this year. Feb! #canadaday
Canada’s Changing Climate
Everyone dries owl pellets in their bathtub, right? Hopefully, my daughters will enjoy dissecting these bad boys for some home science fun. 🧪🌏
Hell yeah, Montana (and Ohio, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, and South Dakota)!
— Ohio — Arizona — Colorado — Idaho — Montana — Nevada — South Dakota These are the states that are certain or likely to field election initiatives that would overhaul redistricting or give voters a greater voice in choosing candidates.
The Ballot Measures Aim to Reduce Partisanship. Can They Fix American Politics? Eight states are certain or likely to field election initiatives that would overhaul redistricting or give voters a greater voice in choosing candidates.
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In today, a second excerpt from my book, this one focused on the coevolution of fire and life, the ecological insights of Indigenous fire management, and the urgency of returning prescribed burns to the landscape 🎁
The Deep Connection Between Life and How wildfire defines the world
The Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (NW CASC) is hiring a full-time research scientist to join their team at the University of Washington! 🧪
UW Human University of Washington Human Resources
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The frequency and magnitude of extreme wildfires around the globe has doubled in the last two decades due to climate change, according to a study. The six most extreme fire years have occurred since 2017, the study found.
Fueled by climate change, extreme wildfires have doubled in 20 The six most extreme fire years have occurred since 2017, the study found.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
It's day at The Borowitz Report. “There is nothing in the debate rules that prohibits a participant from dressing as a giant man-eating fish,” a Biden spokesman said
Biden to Wear Shark Costume at "Joe Biden is a rigged shark," Trump complained.
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A study in Nature Ecology & Evolution reports that the frequency and magnitude of extreme wildfires appear to have doubled over the past 20 years, and the six most extreme years for these events have occurred since 2017. 🧪
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Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
📜New paper accepted @ Ecological Monographs on mycorrhizal fungi 🍄 as critical filters for tree 🌳 seedling🌱establishment during species range expansions. Congrats to Jordon Tourville @ SUNY ESF, now @ Appalachian Mountain Club, on this last part of his PhD thesis❗️ The link to the PDF coming soon.
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We often focus on global temperatures, but land regions where we all live have been warming much faster. For #showyourstripes day, here are land, ocean, and global climate stripes shown on the same color scale:
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Reposted byAvatar Sean Parks🔥
Dear restaurants, If you expect me to use a QR code instead of a real menu, I will--repeat, WILL!--go to Yelp and give you the lowest rating possible. Stop that. Sincerely, People who're sick of your shit
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This #showyourstripes day 2024, I am happy to announce our new NASA Climate Legacies tool that allows you to put yourself and your family & friends on the climate stripes diagram we presented in the IPCC Synthesis Report. Make your own at; a🧵
NASA Climate
Just wrapping up several days of field work in southern Alberta, and I can confirm that Canada doesn't suck. Happy Solstice, y'all!
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🔥New paper out in showing that thinning and prescribed burning can be beneficial for forests beyond their primary goal of reducing the risk of high-severity fires ! Many thanks to my co-authors, Dan Krofcheck and Alisa Keyser 😊
Thinning and prescribed burns in dry conifer forests in southwest US are able to... 🌲Protect old trees 📈Enhance diversity 🔥Benefit sub-alpine species conservation by reducing fire transmission from mid to high elevation 🔗
The effects of the 2017 Kenow Fire in Waterton Lakes NP, Canada ... oh my!
Is it almost the summer Solstice? Yes. Did it snow on us the last three days while conducting field work in southern Alberta? Yes. 🧪🌏
Paid each daughter $20, minus 50 cents for each mistake, to enter my field data into Excel. Win-win!
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Looking for a job in wildfire - 3 positions at a great place with great people. Canadian Forest Service - Great Lakes Forestry Centre - Sault Ste Marie 3 positions • Fire Analyst Programmer • Fire Science Analyst • Wildfire Research Analyst
Multiple Fire Analyst