SE Gyges

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SE Gyges

Como todos los hombres de Babilonia, he sido procónsul; como todos, esclavo; también he conocido la omnipotencia, el oprobio, las cárceles.
Reposted byAvatar SE Gyges
Well, according to Chris (Simpsons artist), my friends need to do better.
Avatar Can I trouble you to make a pass at some writing about AI? If I run it by my usual suspects they'll aggressively agree with me and nitpick details that are irrelevant to most readers.
Como todos los hombres de Babilonia, he sido procónsul; como todos, esclavo; también he conocido la omnipotencia, el oprobio, las cárceles.
Best first line of a book or story? García Márquez in One Hundred Years of Solitude: “Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.”
by this standard gpt-4 is already phd-level intelligent
it'll lay on the jargon with a mix of self-loathing & fear of being exposed
I did my part. Worth mentioning: many of those still at those companies are bound to them by visas.
Return-to-office mandates at some of the most powerful tech companies — Apple, Microsoft and SpaceX — were followed by a spike in departures among the most senior, tough-to-replace talent, according to a case study published last week.
Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study In the months following return-to-office mandates, an increased number of senior employees departed Apple, Microsoft and SpaceX, often to work for competitors.
Reposted byAvatar SE Gyges
Aerospace engineer Judith Love Cohen developed an emergency guidance system for spacecraft that is credited with returning the Apollo 13 astronauts safely back to Earth. In 1969, she worked through her pregnancy and brought work print-outs with her to the hospital before she gave birth to Jack Black
wait bluesky doesn't have DMs? what the hell
yann lecun ray kurzweil timnit gebru eliezer yudkowsky
Emmett's two most recent tweets..................
Will be interesting to see the order in detail, especially regarding more precise definitions and enforcement.
Thoughts on Biden’s AI executive order from an AI governance researcher: a 🧵 tl;dr: It’s good for what it is, but fundamentally constrained by the format—which is what it is due to a lack of Congressional action. 1/
End of feed.