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🇦🇺 27/Bi Enby He/They anime + game journo. Wrestling (mostly TJPW but I watch JP puro and AEW sometimes), Vinland, RGG, Love Live, and others.
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Fuck out of here MSNBC
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A drawing of sting for my local con
Hulkemen Hogan be like "alas I'm afraid that arrangement won't work for my beautiful self, kitten-chan" 🤼
Man It's not even May yet 🤼
I don't like Bully Ray but props to him for actually getting work out of sucking up to WWE. Most people just do that for free 🤼
CM Punk fans don't worry he will have a response for Jack Perry after WWE's medical team clears him and a sitcom writer drafts him a script and WWE's legal team takes out parts he's not allowed to say and before WWE's medical team unclears him again when he tears his tricep picking up the mic 🤼
If I didn't watch STARDOM already I'd probably still love Mina based on her AEW appearances alone 🤼
Genuinely impressed that Mina Shirakawa is still keeping to a more or less completely full schedule for Stardom but appears on AEW multiple times in a month doing storylines with both companies. That's a lot of flying back and forth. 🤼
I HATE when wrestlers fake having serious career threatening injuries because I'm very anxious. I HATE that Bryan Danielson loves doing them. What I HATE the most is having to admit the anxiety the spot caused me in the Ospreay match was the perfect way to cap off an already increduble match. 🤼
I've been really bothered by Toni not being able to show off her wrestling skills in the Timeless character. Little did I know all it took was one match with AZM for it to click 🤼
This is the seedy business we usually learn about an older Japan centric wrestling promotion when the company has a complex corporate structure and it's hard to know where to place blame, not one made in 2024 with international focus and exactly one man financing it who definitely made that rule 🤼
Absolutely devastated by Rossy Ogawa's vile poaching of Actwres girl'Z. I had the pleasure of being front row for last month's Korakuen Hall event and it was worth all 15,000 yen. A wonderfully fun promotion that absolutely needs and deserves your support in this moment. 🤼
Rossy announcing his new fed on the Wrestle Universe YouTube 🤼
Damn, a good match from Timeless Toni for once! AZM truly never misses. 🤼
I've literally been saying for months that whatever Jack Perry does next will probably get just the reaction he needs because Punk's fans don't know when they're being worked. Sure enough! 🤼
Come for the drama, stay for the yuri 🤼
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WWE wouldn't be WWE if it didn't do a massive immersion breaking announcement of a new era where things are gonna change and then things don't really change that much 🤼
I've seen Kairi Sane matches, I've seen Mark Henry matches. I think I know which one of them I trust more to talk about good pro wrestling 🤼
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I don't know anything about wrestling, but I'm rooting for her
Hyper Misao 2024.3.31 #TJPW joshi
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Going to Tokyo to see Pom Harajuku, waking up at 4:30am on a work day for Pom Harajuku, totally Pom Harajuku maxxing these days. 🤼
Less Johnny TV more STARDOM 🤼
I cannot look at that STARDOM match on ROH happening while Rossy is just hanging around backstage at Smackdown and come to the conclusion that he knows what he's doing 🤼
The more Stardom I watch the more I realise AZM is probably one of the best wrestlers 🤼
In all fairness to WWE's weird media responses lately I too am in the same position of wanting to talk about anything in wrestling but their current product in the midst of the Vince McMahon trial 🤼
I feel like I've seen everything in Nakano Broadway and then boom, Jonthon Coachman 🤼
Not even gonna read what Punk said about AEW, probably just more lies. He spent a decade claiming to have a principled stance against WWE, how Hunter in charge wasn't going to change the company culture, and he's gone from championing trans rights to championing Jim Cornette. Spineless manchild. 🤼
I'm never gonna shut up about Grand Princess. I'm so happy I got to be there in Sumo Hall to cheer on Miu's win, nothing in pro wrestling matters more to me. One of the most deserving people in the entire business. The new era of TJPW is here! 🤼