
also, as a jewish leftist who has been publicly fighting with the adl over its right-wing tilt for the last 20 years, and who has worked with jonathan greenblatt professionally, this is patently absurd
When were any of these organizations "apolitical"
major u.s. jewish orgs are beholden to right-wing billionaires like bernie marcus, adam milstein, and ronald lauder who fund "alt-lite" white nationalist propaganda mills like the daily wire, prager u, and turning point u.s.a. and the insurgent campaigns of maga republicans. this includes the adl.
over the last 20 years, the adl has focused on demonizing left-wing human rights activists as the most palpable antisemitic threat facing jewish people while minimizing the role mainstream conservative figures have played in repopularizing antisemitism. the idea that they're arch-leftists is a joke.
when white nationalists started organizing rallies acrss america, the adl advocated that the fbi infiltrate antifascist groups. when black lives matter was at its height, the adl was defending policing. when trump said jews buy politicians, the adl said he didn't mean it because he's pro-israel.
the narrative that the adl is some far-left group doing the bidding of the "extreme left" democratic establishment is just another effort at pulling the overton window further to the right by portraying a center-right group as extreme-left.
The idea of being entirely apolitical and neutral and free from bias only really exists in far right ideology.