
They beat up Dartmouth's former chair of Jewish Studies and banned her from campus. To protect the Jews, you see.
Lol, they don’t give two fucks about Jews. They support the state of Israel because they believe in some stupid prophesy.
It's not even a prophecy, but some fever dream John Eyre invented in the 1700's. Other parts of the belief include the claim that the British are actually Jews of the so called lost tribes, and are destined to subjugate all other Jews and force their conversion to Christianity.
Wait, *that's* where the right-wing Evangelical obsession with Israel comes from?
He merged a lot of disparate ideas that had been floating around into the singular idea, yeah.
yes! Zionism is a huge part of Evangelical Christianity! The Second Coming can't happen until the Jews return to Jerusalem. Evangelicals have a whole purpose here that has nothing to do with empathy for Israel. it's a God-given opportunity to hasten Christ's return. (I'm ex-, these are not my views)
The UK is a lost tribe of Jews not so much in the USA—at least not so much anymore. In the USA, it’s just a belief that the return of the Jews, and the reestablishment of the temple have to happen before for the return of Jesus.
This was taken up and championed by one of the Rothschild’s in the 1700, I believe.
I don't think any member of the Rothschilde family took up the idea of the Brits being Jewish. The closest I have found is Edmond de Rothschild financing several Palestinian kibbutz starting in 1882, over a hundred years later.
Sorry I miss-read and linked a distant memory the early Palestinian kibbutz link to the family.
No worries. I was curious if I missed something myself.
Yup. That & using this as a wedge to foster internecine rancor & voter apathy among lefties. Don't recall this level of republican concern when there were actual hordes of fucking nazis marching on a college campus in Charlottesville waving around tiki torches and screaming antisemetic shit.
From the “We have investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong” group? That logic tracks.
wow I can't keep count of all the Jewish professors getting brutalized by the policy across the US this last week. This is insanity. SIUE history professor Steve Tamari was beaten so bad, as one Doctor said "he is lucky to be alive" I saw the footage and it was brutal.
This is EXACTLY what I am talking about.
Wonder how Jake Tapper, CNN, and a Dartmouth trustee, is covering this. Anyone know?
Probably in the only way he can - as disingenuous as humanly possible.
tearfully saluting the cops who used to serve in the military and now get paid 6 figures a year to brutalize protestors
"We had to beat the shit out of, arrest, and ban the professor in order to protect her"
But why didn't they use the Jewish radar the protestors are using the identify every jewish student from across the campus?
sure. makes perfect sense
Seems very extreme against Ms. Oriecki. I saw on the news where she was very physically grabbed, arm bent, thrown to the ground, older looking cop got on top of her like she was a violent threat or something. She did not deserve that mistreatment. It was physical abuse of a clearly older lady.
Fight fire with fire.
Dartmouth’s motto is: Vox clamantis in deserto, which means "the voice of one crying in the wilderness". 5 of 50 HS classmates went there. Headmaster was a grad. I didn’t apply because is was not coed then. Knew one of the 1st few females to attend. It was misogynist and unpleasant for her.