
Can we go back to chunky tech that looks like a spaceship off a '70s sci-fi book cover, please.
I appreciate a lot of what modern tech has done, but I feel some mistakes have been made.
I recently got a wireless speaker, and it is really good, *however* it has a single button to control both playback and skipping. To say it's awkward to use is an understatement.
I can't even imagine which one I'd prefer: tap is play/pause and long hold is skip, or tap is skip and long hold is play/pause. Either way seems like I'd find some really annoying use cases.
Long hold would actually make more sense. In this case, you have to double tap. Doesn't help that the button is barely there, which makes it difficult to do.
I saw the last two posts for this first and thought you were describing a message in Morse Code or something.
Ugh. I have to physically tap the body of my wireless earbuds to work them. My favourite is 1 tap to pause, 2 taps to make it quieter and 3 taps to make it louderβ€”I’m targeting something I can’t see, so the music keeps pausing and getting quieter when I try to increase volume πŸ˜†
Also, can we pass a law that car climate control needs to be managed by knobs and physical buttons and not the touchscreen?
YES PLEASE. (And no sneaky "this is a dial but really it's just a glorified mousewheel" either.)
I blame LCARS πŸ˜‚
I give Trek some grief, but Wars is the one where Natalie Portman had a magic button on the dashboard of her fancy starship that literally did whatever the hell they wanted to do right then and there. πŸ˜‰