
Biden’s statement was really good, IMO. And very effectively delivered.
Easy to lose sight of the significance here, but the sitting president just gave a speech condemning the Supreme Court for a ruling that expands presidential power. It’s also a president who stands to benefit from this ruling, given that his opponent is vowing to imprison him and his family.
You don't have to make up reasons to be mad. It's not a healthy way to live.
I agree, though I think a few more specific examples of what he could now do, were he a lesser man, would have gotten more people (who dearly need to) to pay attention.
"With this decision, I could, say, direct the DOJ to indict Clarence Thomas for tax evasion. Just sayin'."
why is that not a great idea? why is he not doing that?
A good statement, but not nearly enough. What steps will he take to reverse this? Is he endorsing any kind of court reform? Does he think the justices who made this ruling should resign or be impeached? "Vote harder" is not and cannot be the only possible solution here.
Unfortunately a statement isn’t gonna stop the fascists, I mean I’m sorry to sound defeated but they stopped playing by the rules a long time ago and after today’s ruling by the six unelected far-right activists I’m not hopeful for the future. We need a way stronger response than just this statement
The argument of “vote harder” is a bad one. Any dem that doesn’t make taking on the court a priority shouldn’t be elected
People will say "oh, but it's scripted" - sure, but he was obviously fully present in what he was saying. He's smart and self-aware. And had an atrocious fucking debate. They do need to make him more available for questions though, damn the consequences.
And NYT and WaPo will ignore it.
On the one hand him making it clear that he refuses to abuse his power is good. On the other, his and the dem establishment’s refusal to offer any solution to the court beyond “vote for good people FOREVER” is not a good sign
You'd like them to say it's okay to vote for bad people? Seems counter to the purpose.
It’s something that does and has happened, in 2016 that very thing happened. 2016 should have been the year that made it clear that the dem strategy of “never lose an election to make sure things aren’t on fire” was a bad one. There needs to be a plan to stop this NOW
its not an "abuse" of power anymore. this is now the current reality of his abilities as president and to not use it to do anything for anyone is criminally negligent
Biden's Statement was more Democratic whining and complaining about something that only came about because of their criminal complacence for the last 40 years..too much going high when they go low only managed to get Democracy's balls ripped off .... better start learning to fight like the Fascists.
It was vapid and cowardly imo but ymmv
I know he would never but wouldn't it be wonderful if Biden arrested DJT & his family first!