
This is the vital, masculine, “anti-woke” nation led by an admirably virile leader that is favored by our “America First” conservatives like Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump,
"Russia's losses in Ukraine since 2022 exceed the number of losses in all its wars since World War II combined...The latest estimates suggest that approximately 2% of all Russian men aged 20 to 50 may have been either killed or severely injured in Ukraine."
I read something a while back about how reactionary politics is defined by preference of methods rather than outcomes. Doing the "correct" thing feels like winning even if it never materializes results, because the feeling was the goal all along.
I've been saying for a long time...and I say it with no disrespect to the incredibly brave people of Ukraine...Russia hasn't even been able to beat Ukraine in a conventional war. I mean, c'mon. It speaks to how rotten, all the way to the core, Russia's entire system is.
Just finished Snyder’s The Road to Unfreedom (published before the current invasion!) and kind of amazing how pliant the Russian populace is kept by myth and misinformation
“Comrades, is it woke to not want to die in Ukraine?”
Maybe being woke is less bad than advertising suggests?
If I say what we’re all thinking I’m gonna get in trouble …
I no longer believe Ukraine can win, especially since the US GOP has embraced a pro-Russia position in this conflict. But damn it’s beautiful to see how badly the Ukrainians are making Russia suffer along the way.