
Everybody freaking out about extrajudicial killings is going to lose it when they find out about the existence of cops.
The cops will be given blanket powers for the extrajudicial killings
Could try asking Chauvin
You mean like, the one cop who ever went to jail for murdering black people? He's literally the exception, not proof of anything. I mean, occasionally the justice system has to throw a bone to keep the masses settled.
Eric Devalkenaere. Don't let me ruin the narrative though.
Never heard of him. And now you're up to 2 cops? Wow. Well, my impression of dozens of cops seen on video murdering people and then never going to jail for it is dashed, just like that. All it took was for you to name 2 cops that went to jail.
You're going to need to name a lot of cops that went to jail for murdering a PoC (white people don't count, because they're off limits - they count as people in the JS's opinion) for me to start to think differently. I've read so many stories, watched videos, of cops straight up murdering people.
In one case, someone was ordered to drop their gun and approach the cop. The person complied, then was shot dead while prone on the ground. Another cop shoved an old man to the ground, fracturing his skull and paralyzing him. That cop was just acquitted. In another case, a cop killed an ...
I'm happy when justice is done and I'm bitter when it isn't. I don't pretend that justice never happens though.