
At some point Democratic elected officials will notice that when Donald Trump has a personal setback the majority of the population literally celebrates in the street, I hope.
People like to see a bad man get his, and imo the fact that Trump has got another trial for a crime he’s essentially admitted being ground into dust by a corrupt judge whom he appointed affords Democrats great latitude to assertively and creatively fuck him up, if they have the sand to do it.
We all literally watched him try to end democracy on live television, botch a pandemic response, outlaw abortion, and he’s still outperforming Biden in some polls.
That might tell you something about those polls.
🤷Most Republicans who want Trump to drop out will still vote for him.
Yep. Trump's big problem is that he's losing independents en masse. A lot of them would rather see him in prison than vote for him. And right now they're about 1/3 of the voting population. A "generic Republican" has a much better shot vs. Biden than Trump does. But they can't win the primaries!
“Independents” still usually vote Republican or Democrat. If he hasn’t already lost their support, I see no reason why he will now, even if people would rather he drop out. There’s too many right-wing fever dreams that will keep people voting against Democrats.
Independents are reasonably classified as Dem-leaning or Rep-leaning. They're less partisan than actual party members, though. And Trump is losing the ones who ordinarily vote for GOP candidates. He's also losing some Republicans, and he can't lose any of them.