Séan Ó Conghaile ᚛ᚄᚕᚅ᚜

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Séan Ó Conghaile ᚛ᚄᚕᚅ᚜


Overly ernest; Policy nerd; Award winning writer;
That fucking guy 🙄

Take your pick
It does actually feel good. So, if you are one of those who is able to give blood is (and many/most of us can't) it's an easy way to contribute positively to the world #GiveBlood #SpeirGorm
I'm 4km from Ramstein playing in the RDS and I can feel it through the walls I'm loving how how annoyed the good people of Dublin 4 must be right now I think they may also have set fire to an oil terminal too
In this how we believe in the religion of the books
John Dee deliberately mistranslating Strabo for a bit of Elizabethan propaganda:
I mean, space nuclear power and propulsion for €2 How could I say no.....
Wild. I sent few FGers emails and only got one ambiguous and mealy-mouthed response from a minister. I wonder how many of the emails they received were even anti-trans.
This stuff isn't true though, it's just the PR flak that I was referring to. We know what Facebook knew about what was going on in Myanmar because of whistleblowers like Haugen, and we know they didn't respond to the threat.
Whomst among us hasn't "inadvertently destroyed" a big bag of coke, we can't judge
Yeah I heard this yesterday and checked Walmart, and.... Surprise!!!!! It'd takes them less time and energy to be correct than to come up with the conspiracy theories
Someone enjoying their "You can't park there mate" moment
Since we're slagging off national dishes today, Irish people will look you in the eyes and tell you that these are grand
I'm of the view that Tolkien knew he was cheating but had written himself into a scenario that he needed to teleport characters in a was that GRRM was trying to resist.
The first link just refers back to the article you've already shared. The second points our that using real names is often dangerous for the victims of harassment (true, but not your point) The third link contradicts you, and they were testing the effect of "permanence"
The 4th link does support you, but it's not a great argument. They accept that there's a correlation, but rebuts the claim that it's the primary causal factor. Which is fine, maybe the problem is that assholes are abusive online, but if anonymity makes them more abusive then it's still relevant
Is there a meta analysis that backs this up? The dataset (German speakers who are signing and commenting on a petition - not messaging an individual) is a little rarified. And the methodology lacks nuance - if I said "I'm so fucking upset by [this policy]" it would be tagged as aggressive
That's Pim Fortuyn line (which he was using re: Muslim men and islamophobia). An old, old far right quip
Looking forward to all the clouds-have-gone-woke headlines over the weekend
I'd like to point out the nine (some areas have a couple of golf courses) that are south of the Liffey and not even in "South County Dublin" yet. I grew up near there and still didn't know most of them existed until I took a look at Google maps
I hadn't realized there was an official 'you've just become the main character' account @most-attention-en.bsky.social
There's a threads setting, but you've to turn it on. Your thread worked grand for me You've to go to the home screen -> settings -> thread preferences -> threaded mode
Pitched exactly at their level, they haven't got a chance
On a webinar and the speaker's screen has frozen and it's giving us this:
Gonna be honest, a €6B over-run on a €90B budget only suggests that the government doesn't know how to budget. And, for the departments involved, the estimates the produce have decoupled from the real costs of the services they're providing