
again, you fucking dumb slag, i was trying to protect my friends&family and your article on me resulted in me getting stalked for *18 months* by an affiliate of the paypal mafia, and led up into massive attacks which put me into hiding for years and resulted in death threats to everyone in my life
When I’ve profiled people who’ve never been profiled before I’ve explained off the record, on etc to them before we start. Lotta old school people object to that. And sometimes I get berated by a subject who thinks I’m being condescending (hello, Shanley Kane, lol)
people in my life had to get armed guards at their fucking offices. these attacks were reported to the FBI *by the workplaces of people i loved*. i had to leave my house on multiple occasions. *i* was trying, appropriately, to protect my family from fascists, YOU put me in danger
my MOM got death threats. my UNCLE got death threats. my PARTNERS EMPLOYEES got death threats. you thought you were entitled to expose my family and friends to all of this bullshit which i knew damn well was happening and coming and EXPLAINED to you why you couldn't talk to my family and friends
the fact that this fucking moron is, years later, pretending that i was in the wrong to try to protect my family from this when HER ARTICLE'S SMEARS ON ME RELATED TO ME TRYING TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE I LOVE resulted in 18 months of stalking, just ONE instance.