
SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.
all of this for donald fucking trump of all people
there is such a rich text of evil in how Obama had to be followed up with not just a white man, but a mediocre white man, a lazy white man who can barely focus. how unimpressive he is feels like part of the point
Trump after Obama is basically a filled-in swimming pool thing. “Oh, a black president. How about the jerk from Celebrity Apprentice? Not such an august position now.”
“if democracy gives us a black president i guess we can’t have democracy”
I watched Obama’s inauguration w/a lot of my Black coworkers and everyone was SO thrilled. My [Black] manager at the time walked by and said, “Don’t get too excited. They’re going to make us pay for this.” Seems like she was right!
The worst part is that assuming Democrats don't win the Senate, this will take a generation of Democratic victories to get the pre-Trump status quo back. Let's buckle up people, there is a long fight for elections ahead.