Sharmake Farah

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Sharmake Farah

Twitter Refugee. Interested in AI. Thinks AI is likely to be safe. Retweets are not equal to endorsements.
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Feels like a huge part of the problem is that the people coming up with this stuff are, in a word, bored.
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Sticking with Biden or running Harris would be *far* less risky than dedicating two of the next four months to Democrat infighting, followed by an unprecedented delegate voting process and dubious chances of even getting on the ballot. Knowing this shit is supposed to be these people's job
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"Look at all of these people refusing to integrate into British society by standing in elections and voting"
The post election discourse that treats Muslim voters voting on issues they care about as an "issue" is disgusting bigotry. (Compare and contrast to the "how can Labour win back the Red Wall?" discourse that happened).
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It is not only perfectly normal for a minority community to vote in accordance with what they see as their interests but begrudging them this is, in fact, racism.
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This is an unpopular opinion in lefty circles but I'm very much in this boat.
i don't talk about it as much in this piece but it could not be more obvious that dressing yourself up in the rhetoric of America as irredeemably evil might play well to the online crowd but wrapping the very same idea in a red white and blue flag is how you win real change
Reposted byAvatar Sharmake Farah
i don't talk about it as much in this piece but it could not be more obvious that dressing yourself up in the rhetoric of America as irredeemably evil might play well to the online crowd but wrapping the very same idea in a red white and blue flag is how you win real change
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This Sunday, I’d just like to remind everyone that it’s perfectly valid to not think Jesus was a great moral teacher. In fact it’s perfectly valid to find him a manipulative, distasteful, and unlikable literary character
Let's Face it, Some of Jesus's Teachings are Breaking the Taboo on Exposing the Dark Side of the Gospels
Reposted byAvatar Sharmake Farah
Co-signed. This is probably my most Accidentally Edgy opinion.
This Sunday, I’d just like to remind everyone that it’s perfectly valid to not think Jesus was a great moral teacher. In fact it’s perfectly valid to find him a manipulative, distasteful, and unlikable literary character
Let's Face it, Some of Jesus's Teachings are Breaking the Taboo on Exposing the Dark Side of the Gospels
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I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
With the exception of Biden, yeah it's been stunning how well the Democratic party resisted anti-trans pressure, and is much better than Labour in this respect, by a long shot. That said, I'm getting worried about Biden, because he seems to be at least willing to accept anti-trans bullshit.
I am glad that so far, the Democratic party, which faces much steeper opposition right now than the Labour, has broadly resisted selling out transgender people as a sop to "moderation." But I also know that this has only been the case because voters simply don't care about this issue!
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There is no lead people will find reassuring. This site is full of weirdo neurotics. If the numbers are high the polls will be untrustworthy. If the numbers are even higher people will switch to insisting there is enough room to do their one weird trick.
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Following politics closely is such an abnormal thing to do and we do it more abnormally than that because of the way social media compresses everything.
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Saw yesterday a WaPo guy I've often liked say that Biden's age is interesting because it's "unresolved" and impying that SCt making Trump the king somehow is resolved. An admission they can't think of any more stories to pursue about the latter b/c of total incompetence or malevolence imo
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Also, that’s not even comforting. That’s the biggest challenge? There should be way bigger challenges to doing something like that!
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Just even within the lines of the ruling you can't have your lawyer inquire into his motives for throwing you in jail!
Reposted byAvatar Sharmake Farah
I hear you - and FWIW, there's no reason not to go to a meeting or two, see for yourself what kind of people it has in it, but bring up a couple of what you consider to be bedrock issues (IE, we have to beat Trump no matter what, which means supporting the Democratic nominee) and see how they react.
The reason I'm so confident of my assessment is that I 100% believe you will hear something, especially right now, that's a dealbreaker for you in a political community, whether it's vicious antisemitism or nihilistic defeatism.
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I think it’s also the assumption that Trump 2 would be the same as Trump 1, when we have a lot of evidence that it wouldn’t be.
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i'm gonna be on my deathbed in 40 years mumbling that clyburn had 6 weeks to come up with a line for when dobbs officially dropped and his day-of answer was "it's a little anticlimactic"
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Individual DSA chapters are better or worse, but there's nothing useful to be done through it that you can't do better either on your own or directly supporting a Democrat, IMO.
Reposted byAvatar Sharmake Farah
Not likely. I went to a local DSA meeting and walked away with exciting new examples on how not to organize or lead people.
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I’m starting to think the DSA does not have our best interests at heart
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Excellent, clear-eyed piece that perfectly dismantles this garbage ruling
Among other questions, I wonder how we got to the point where “separation of powers” means the judiciary can prohibit the executive from holding itself accountable.
The Supreme Court Faced with the most potent threat to democracy in more than a century, our most revered institution didn't just fail to hold, it aligned itself with the threat
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Ok, sure. But it's July and one of the choices people do have is whether there will ever be another election. That's not a partisan perspective, it's the truth.
Reposted byAvatar Sharmake Farah
Look, America has big problems but the absolutely unhinged freak out about trans women in the UK is breathtaking. My god, who has the time for these insane “concerns”?
Labour’s women Keir Starmer must accept that JK Rowling is right.
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protip to the dissident left, as one of the dissident left: you need to desist from the "Labour and Tories are the exact same" argument because however passionately you feel that they are in some field of policy or other this does not actually convince anyone. like it is a rhetorically bad tactic
It's not the worst thing, but yes I believe this broadly is the case, and a lot of it was people forgetting that the 2010s was unique in how much social media impacted IRL. It will have lasting and deep consequences, but it's also unlikely to happen again.
The very worst thing about social media, including this site and the Bad Site and every other site, is the illusion that by posting on it you’re accomplishing anything.
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The very worst thing about social media, including this site and the Bad Site and every other site, is the illusion that by posting on it you’re accomplishing anything.
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Reposted byAvatar Sharmake Farah
Eh, I feel like he gets unfairly blamed for 2000 and that people like O'Connor and Lieberman don't get nearly enough blame.