
"politics would be interesting again" they shouldn't be
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
I live in Canada and people ask me about Canadian politics and I am happy to report that it is largely boring. This is good!
Its relief for the stakes to not be absurdly high
I mean there is plenty of political contestation and very different ideas of the good and such but it doesn’t have the same flavour of shrieking misery
We do have a certain political malaise, in that the left just has no energy now, but thats kinda how politics should work. I think people are already looking on how we'll rebuild. And some bright spots with the NDP in the prairies, and possibly alberta
Please lets just have an absurdly boring politics
a war of succession would be interesting, and adding some nuclear exchanges and EU-Russian-proxy-supports to it would add a hell of a lot of spice If the NYTimes editorial board would volunteer to be on the front lines, I’d appreciate it
and I guess from the screenshot I’ll jot down “The Atlantic” as another category of draftee