
Let's be honest and say that the sort of person who thinks it's rude to expect a guest to comply with a polite request regarding one's home is the sort of person you don't want stepping foot into where you live, they will likely light up a cigarette and leave the door open so your cat can run out
hey, let’s check in on white people and see what they’re up to! oh.
I sweat this stuff has to be rage bait. Just like I've seen posts like "Brides CRAZY rules makes guests not want to be there" 1) only gets TWO DRINK TICKETS, no open bar etc etc. I'm like damn y'all are in a different income bracket then me if you expect every wedding to have an open bar
Open bar is either RICH, insanely financially improvident, or "knows a brewer and cidermaker." I've seen the last one (kegs and enormous bottles of Good Stuff as a wedding gift).
I've seen unlimited champagne during the official reception (bc they had the place for the night to continue the fun) & I thought that was super generous. Even though we were a small group. The other craziness is why people go into debt for a wedding. Also guests seem to think the party is for them