
There is literally zero evidence that China's official embrace of autonomous vehicles has benefitted their development in any way besides censoring information that might negatively affect the public's view of the technology, which I will go out on a limb and say is something we should not emulate!
You can't just look at Waymo and say "see, they're doing it right, therefore there's no need for regulation." Regulation is for the bad actors, not the good ones, and there have been tons of them in the AV space. Do you not remember Uber killing someone in 2018? Cruise mangling someone LAST YEAR??
You can't say "there should be less regulation of driving automation technology" and then simply not even mention that Tesla has literally killed people in the name of a blatant fraud that has made Elon Musk one of the richest men alive. I mean you can, but nobody should take you seriously if you do
For all that Waymo has accomplished, there is still an incredibly long way to go. Notice no one is yet testing in Chicago, and the company still has an incredible number of backup human operators to monitor the vehicles.
Backup humans and a ridiculous amount of guardrails and mapping of the city. Could just build fuckin trains for less effort.
Most North American cities: scrape the asphalt off the trolley tracks, rehang the overhead power, buy some shiny new cars, and get on with it.