
the problem is that argument 1 is idiotic because in this case the "no one" is, in fact, Reform UK voters. i hate everything about their worldview, but that's how they voted and they deserve representation that reflects that
The best arguments against proportional representation seem to be: (1) no one wants that many members of Reform UK in the Commons and (2) every election would ultimately come down to the Lib Dems (maybe plus a regional party / the Greens) deciding whether Tories or Labour get to form the government.
Some of us fundamentally believe that democracy is an ideal in itself and not just when it produces outcomes that flatter our priors
Also if you say "regional party" one more time,
The use of MPs isn’t to govern a region in the first place
It’s a fair one to people who insist that a local region of support should get a party like PC almost as many seats as Reform, on the idea that they have concentrated support in one region of the country.
Yes, but my point was that if I hear Wales and Scotland described as regions I will start to get very angry.
back in 1994 I was super upset that the UK got four separate bites at the apple on qualifying for the World Cup, I thought it was bullshit. They should have had to field one team, same as we couldn't field an Iowa team.
See you don't get it. None of us would support each other anyway.
Not even unionists in Scotland root for the English team, and the English only pretend to root for us to make us feel bad for wanting them to lose. It's not four pops at it for the UK, it's four pops for four countries which won't celebrate each other's win except superficially.
you've been in Union with England since hundreds of years before most European nations ever existed. It's very funny to me how much your national identity depends on FIFA being willing to grandfather the Home Nations in as a condition to get you to join.
you are making the common american error of assuming that nation refers to passport rather than the bubble of loyalty inside people's heads, which is also why you're describing most european nations as new
Estonian statehood was only established in 1918. But Estonian nationhood exists for as long as Estonians believe it has existed, which is broadly speaking "since time immemorial"
Many people who died long ago and never even really thought of themselves as such are now Estonians, christened such retroactively, because nationalism has tremendous power to transcend space and time and rewrite history for all purposes that matter
I'll never argue with an Eastern European on a point of ancestry, because I want to go on living, and we agree on the first order point that "Putin Bad."
"Now that Point 1 is out of the way, on to Point 2... how do y'all feel about Turks?"
lovely people who are fucking insane about nationalism.
they flash the grey wolf as a goal celebration.
God only knows, the society worships a lush who wanted to purge religion from society, even as they vote for Islamist politicians, like every AKP voter loves Ataturk.