
Ok, everybody had their fun saying Biden should just disappear his political enemies because it’s allowed now. It’s a new day, and those jokes are all old now, and also they’re cynical and stupid and counterproductive. Democracy is on the ballot. Stop fucking acting like it’s already gone.
Because if you and enough people decide it’s already gone, it is. It’s like watching Peter Pan where you, the audience, have to clap and say you believe in fairies for them to exist, except it’s real.
Curing cancer or developing a unified model of subatomic physics are fundamentally hard problems. Winning the presidency and both Chambers, changing Senate procedures, expanding the courts, adding state(s) and strengthening voting and civil rights is more a question of political competence and will.
Government trifecta -
Yeah, we know how to do it, we just have to fucking do it, and to do it, we have to believe that we *can* do it, and that all is not already lost (because it’s not, even now, not yet).