Sheera Frenkel

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Sheera Frenkel

NYT reporter and co-author of “An Ugly Truth” with Cecilia Kang
My kid wanted to know what the two grandpa’s were arguing about. Out of the mouth of babes…
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24 hours after Iran’s launched retaliatory strikes at Israel, and the commercial capitol of Tel Aviv feels like business as usual. Cafes and coffeeshops are full, and businesses have reopened.
I have yet to speak to a single Israeli military official who wants a full-scale war with Iran. Not that you would know that listening to some of the breathless cable coverage happening right now…
There are a lot of unverified reports right now. Both Israel and Iran confirmed that Iran has fired drones/ballistic missiles. We won’t know for hours what is hit. Suggest everyone wait for updates from a news org they trust because this is the type of environment where clout-seekers spread crap.
That feeling when you’ve just boarded the first leg of your flight to Tel Aviv, and you hear Iran has launched drones aimed at Israel.
Will never get old to see my stories in print.
Have heard people at Google are circulating my article, which reveals how Google Photos is used by Israel as part of their facial recognition program. I think this is clear in the article, but Israel is using the public version of Google Photos, not a custom-made program to the best of my knowledge
Israel Deploys Expansive Facial Recognition Program in The experimental effort, which has not been disclosed, is being used to conduct mass surveillance of Palestinians in Gaza, according to military officials and others.
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2+ years ago, we wrote a story about Facebook, in a period of crisis, defending Zuckerberg's image. The piece had a throwaway detail about how he rode an electric hydrofoil and Z went on FB to dispute it was electric. A new unsealed filing shows how FB VP Nick Clegg reacted to that. It's something.
On October 7, a lot of people asked “where was the Israeli military?” We have just published the most comprehensive look to-date on the failings of the Israeli military leading up to (and during) that day:
“Being a leftist is a dirty word in Israel.” That’s what one political pundits and longtime Israeli peace activists told me, and the polls back them up. After Oct. 7, few Israelis continue to advocate for peace with Palestinians.
Israelis Abandon Political Left Over Security Concerns After Oct. Disenchanted by the prospect for peace after a devastating terrorist attack, Israelis are becoming more conservative in their politics.
It’s a weird thing to come back from reporting in the Middle East and find that the conversation in the US is stuck in a polemic that people living in the midst of violence have managed to avoid.
I couldn’t sleep last night, so instead consumed hours of media in Hebrew and Arabic. Here is what I saw: Israeli TV is immersed in defending the war. Horrific stories of Israeli hostages dominate. At one point, an anchor cried as a mother told the story of how her son died on Oct. 7 (Cont)
My heart is broken over the death of Vivian Silver, Someone who always managed to bridge the empathy gap between Israel and Gaza and see all humans as deserving of life. May her memory be for a blessing.
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The missile that the IDF, US intel and several others believe caused the hospital blast was not launched from Gaza, but from Israel, our team found. Moreover, it exploded 2 miles away from the hospital and likely didn't cause the blast. Gift 🔗
A Close Look at Some Key Evidence in the Gaza Hospital A widely cited missile video does not shed light on what happened, a Times analysis concludes.
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Roshdi Sarraj, the photographer who took this widely shared picture of Israel's destruction of Gaza, was himself later killed by an Israeli airstrike.
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Short (and incomplete) summary of the New Yorker article: Jim Jordan laundered conspiracy theories from the corners of the internet into congressional testimony & Investigations targeting disinformation researchers. In one (my) interview, he threatened our funding.
Jim Jordan’s Conspiratorial Quest for How the Ohio Republican built an insurgent bid for Speaker on the lies of Donald Trump.
I spoke to about the war, Hamas, and social media strategy… and also my own experience covering (waves hands) all of this.
The saddest conversations I’ve had this week are with Palestinian and Israelis who see each others pain, and feel helpless to stop the cycle of violence they are in. They sound so defeated.
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New: verified Twitter 'OSINT' accounts are destroying the Israel-Palestine information ecosystem. What used to be a network of reliable experts has been taken over by profit and click driven verified accounts. Everyone loses out. "Unprecedented" levels
‘Verified’ OSINT Accounts Are Destroying the Israel-Palestine Information The problem with profit and engagement driven misinformation from pseudo-OSINT accounts during the Israel-Palestine conflict is "unprecedented." One expert said after Musk's recent changes "all hell b...
A lot of journalists are working overtime to try and determine what caused the explosion at Ahli Hospital in Gaza. Soon, we will have more clarity. I'm worried that it won't matter, and that each side has already chosen their narrative.
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The latest sign that news is dead on Twitter is this account that claims to have eyewitness evidence that the bombing of a Gaza hospital was done by Hamas, not Israel, but which doesn’t belong to a genuine Al Jazeera journalist, per
Last week I interviewed Keren Schem, whose daughter, Mia, was kidnapped from the Nova music festival. Today, Hamas release a video showing Mia in Gaza. It’s the first time Keren has been able to confirm her daughter is alive since Oct 7.
Hamas Posts Hostage Video of Woman Abducted From Israeli Music The video, of Mia Shem, 21, was the first Hamas has released of any of its nearly 200 hostages. It showed her being treated for an arm injury and speaking to the camera.
I am getting offline for the next 2 days. Because I can, and because Ive been immersed in Israel/Gaza coverage since Saturday. I’ve been a reporter who covers conflict/violence for almost 20 years, and I hope reporters/academics/etc reading this know it’s ok to step away for your mental health.