
2016 is going to be the longest century of our lives
the finger pointing between the left and the center if Trump wins is going to be unbearable
All of this discourse makes a lot more sense if you see the current moment as a simultaneous relitigation of the 2016 and 2020 primaries by people who have spent the last 4 to 8 years still seething that their pick didn’t win instead of moving on. It’s why nobody’s advocating for Harris.
Yes, there are people advocating for Harris, not as a "yes, let's ditch Joe but a "excuse me, there is only one other options"...
Kamala Harris isn't some perfect solution to all that ails the Democratic party. But she is basically the only other plausible option, and insisting that a white or male figure untested on the national stage is somehow a safer option is telling on your own racial and gender attitudes.