
me: we NEED communities. all we have is each other. none of us can survive without connection and humanity and solidarity me after 20 straight minutes of my neighbor sitting below my window and revving his motorcycle as loud as he can:
me: I love my working class neighborhood! I love people and their children being outside always when the weather allows! also me: I wonder if it's possible to make a directional EMP, so I can nuke my neighbor's car stereo FOREVER, instead of being subjected to war crimes sonic levels of norteno
Something that drives me crazy is when cities pass laws against loud vehicles, some "progressives" come out of the woodwork to say that these laws are just a means to target poor people/people of color, as if the people living in these neighborhoods should just have to deal with booming bass at 3 AM
A lot of white progressives really need to think critically about why their instinctive response to a law that amounts to "don't be an a**hole in public" is "but that's racist".
for real I don't know a lot about norteno, but I enjoy it generally in the background! but like, I don't enjoy ANYTHING at MRAP sonic levels. a LIVE concert I paid to see maybe, LOL
I'm still never gonna call the cops, but I have stomped down the street once or twice in my jammies, like, "yo, I'm trying to sleep, can you take it down like 2 notches? thanks!"