
what’s odd is you can just vote labour in secret if you want. the reason you’re announcing it, in THIS SPACE, is either a) egotism, or b) guilt you’re hoping someone will swoop in and alleviate. if it’s the latter, please grow up enough to admit to yourself that trans people are not important to you
basic thought experiment for cis people: imagine a political party said they're going to ban you from public toilets because you're dangerous. then imagine a friend said, 'oh yeah shame, but they also said they'd give me £50 so i'm going to go for it'. if you say you would understand, you are a liar
It’s the red team version of the tory commentariat writing endless tedious columns about how it should be illegal for people to not be friends with their large adult son simply because they have different opinions from him
like just own it!! you don’t care about one group of people and what happens to them, this is how many people are, they simply do not post it publicly looking for absolution
Some people have one fall group they absolutely are willing to let the lives of be destroyed. See it with Pal here and in the US too. Some people are just literally less-people to them.
It's like when people talk about how they can't do a boycott because blah blah, like okay, just do that then, I'm not your mum.
yeah it’s so funny, ‘the left demands purity’ mate if you hadn’t gone on and on about it where we all could see we would’ve been none the wiser??
just so odd to very loudly state 'yes but have you considered my comfort' and demand to be seen as a good person