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Carbs With cheese 👍
reply to this post with something you recommend. (if you want to, you have permission to retweet your response.)
I'm letting everyone know in advance that what I want for Christmas is for the British media to be destroyed.
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
I knew learning to read would come back to haunt me one day
Couldn't bring myself to vote for Labour, so went for Plaid. Came 2nd, knocking the incumbent Tory MP into 3rd by a margin of under 100 votes. I'll take it.
The leftism leaving American's bodies when you talk about the military
I used to take some pleasure in "I told you so" but now I'm old enough to just be tired. They will never ever listen to us, and they will never ever learn. It won't affect them, and if it does they will immediately swing right and blame us or minorities or anyone but them.
I mean for fucks sake, most centrist are in their 50s, grow up and get a sense of the real world.
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
It is the inalienable right of every British child to wear Hula Hoop rings and eat them off their fingers; by reducing this sacred tradition to a 'poor diet', The Guardian's picture desk has declared war on constancy, culture, humanity, God, (the Oxford comma,) & every baby born on these shores.
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
🚫 DON'T DUMP YOUR ELECTION LEAFLETS🚫 ♻️ DONATE THEM INSTEAD ♻️ A friend is working with Uni of Bristol to collect election leaflets from all UK constituencies for archiving 🗳️ Find out more: specialcollections.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/tag/leaflets/
leaflets | Special Collections Blogspecialcollections.blogs.bristol.ac.uk
And then there's: "You can't trust experts, they said things were going to be bad [if no one did anything] and now they're not bad [because someone did something] pfft experts, what do they know?!"
Hate how relevant this is to multiple world-shifting societal problems we’ve decided to mostly ignore
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
i've been sitting in the bluesky argument lobby for half an hour now. all i want is a quick match. i'll argue over literally anything and take any side of the argument. earlier i started arguing that cleaning up litter is fascist and my opponent abandoned the match two minutes in. these servers suck
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
have you seen the fox in a snowglobe one team made for lego masters australia
My favourite head cover is the one without the head. iykyk
Once again, we etc etc. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of The Wicked And The Divine, we are kickstarting a coffee table book of all the 126 covers from the series! Standard and Deluxe versions available: www.kickstarter.com/projects/kat...
Got some clothes from Vinted this morning, enough fabric softener to make me wheeze. Then later got a box from ebay, tightly sealed, perfect for an intense stink of Lynx Africa to physically burst out & tango me. Definitely in a COVID wave- this is not the actions of people with working noses.
Brown paper packages tied up with string arrive as shredded paper and missing items. Sorry Mrs. Von Trapp it's just not sturdy enough for the modern postal system.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
As we know, there are no queer POC in the countries that get blown up and propogandised to by weapons companies. It's only the ones on the internet who count.
If y'all run Anonsee off of this platform when fae has proven themselves time and time again to be one of the few people that puts in actual work to protect and help ALL queer and trans people, not just the skinny white abled ones, then this place is officially done and dead
Roughly once every 18 months people panic about almost exactly the same boilerplate terms that make online services actually work. This week it's Adobe, but honestly you could put 1000 different companies into a hat to predict the next one.
Yeah, none of that is new and every bit of that clause is completely standard and nothing to be alarmed about. It does not give them rights over "anything on your computer", it's just necessary because their service allows you to embed files into documents you upload to their service.
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
This wizard hat is just too cute.
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
a mascot is just a business' fursona
Just seen the fucking trolley problem UK election edition, so to pre-empt some shit: If there are two busses, and they are both going in the exact opposite direction from where you want to go, you would obviously not get on either bus. Please adjust your analogies accordingly.
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
It’s meant to be.
Probably should've just done that announcement inside tbh. The tradition and grandeur was just a smidge undermined.
Seconds after sending an important email I realise I've got a date of a previous email I referenced wrong because Microsoft is showing me American dates for some reason. It's fine. It's fine. I'm okay. It's fine.
It's obviously Animal, but people are allowed to have wrong opinions.
what is the most fuckable muppet
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
Now when you request a print at Sunbirdsforgaza.org you can choose between blue gradient, red gradient, and full black prints!
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
Score one for political correctness.
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
Reposted byAvatar Rhi
"It caaaan't be the new section 28 because section 28 was for people that Bad Conservatives thought were icky in the 80s & 90s. THIS is for people that Good Conservatives think are icky NOW, it's compleeeetely differeeeeennnnttt"