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Reposted byAvatar arnie
Really think about what that means- it means that Israel continues to control the lives of all Palestinians without them having any say in their future. Would you accept this for yourself?
hmm i seem to have a missed call and 6 whatsapp messages from one of my line managers. whats the odds they are something along the lines of 'we have to let you go' cos rn the anxiety is high and the chance of it even greater probably
i am very much looking forward to going home tomorrow eve mainly because i miss chairman and hope the lil guy is doing good :(
Reposted byAvatar arnie
Am super low on cash right now as am not spending my deposit/moving money at all which is my only income (still waiting on the housing Im meant to be going to). Is anyone able to do me a huge favour and send me like a fiver for bits and pieces until I'm paid at the end of the month
Pay Emi Smith using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Reposted byAvatar arnie
if you care more about shoplifting that pretty much any other social ill you should probably boil your head, do you know people are being price gouged to death, honestly, bootlicking freaks (derogatory)
when i am definitely not mad i reply to literally everyone for like 2 hours straight to make sure you know just now definitely not mad i am
Reposted byAvatar arnie
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
Reposted byAvatar arnie
i live in london so it's probably do what guy fawkes failed
Let's have some fun on Bluesky tonight! Tell me where you live and one thing everyone should do in your city! #flythefriendlysky
new nelly solidarity bandaid just dropped
O Captain! my Captain!
is it worth mentioning that the former chairman of sainsburys was uk labours largest donor, giving them £2.5million during the election cycle?
Reposted byAvatar arnie
As predicted the ban on criticising UK politicians is coming soon.
Reposted byAvatar arnie
MP's when challenged by the public
Reposted byAvatar arnie
political violence is when you call the labour party bad.
if anyone is going to japan soon can they bring me back one of these little condiment jars i am fairly positive it is all i need in life to make me happy
yes very much so. here’s my other favourite pic of him advertising little condiment jars
just had a grilled cheese sammy ama
he went down in my estimation when he said that. we haven't resorted to that, but ill tell you, you can tell him now if you're watching, were still fighting for this title, and hes got to go to middlesbrough and get something, and. and. ill tell you, honestly, i will love it if we beat them, love it
"Hold on, hold on HOLD ON. Her sister was a witch, right? And what was her sister? A PRINCESS. The wicked witch of the EAST, bro. You're going to look at me and tell me im wrong? She wore a crown and came down in a bubble! GROW UP, KEIR."
this is why i embrace the cringe by listening exclusively to electric keyboards with their keys programmed to be noises like sirens or explosions or whatever
an exercise for you all try & think of some music that isn't cringe you cant!
it's funny cos donald trump is basically the usa if it was a person
Guy literally had secrets in his bathroom, selling them to foreign nationals. Calls people to steal votes. Sends a mob to keep himself in office. This country pissing all over its history to bend over backwards for this guy? This is the guy we bring down the whole experiment for?
very much looking forward to the football tonight pals. hope colombia can do the business
Reposted byAvatar arnie
Yes !!! I’m crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Thank you … thank you … thank you … ALL of you !! Let’s now pray the border crossing opens so they can get across 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
pals im gonna open up a bit. i still cry every time i see mufasa die
Reposted byAvatar arnie
when you're all mad at me this is who you're mad at
A Talking Cat!?! is without a doubt one of the laziest most awful films I've seen in my life. 📽️ My ½★ review of A Talking Cat!?! on Letterboxd 📽️ #Filmsky
this just came on my shuffle and it deserves posting because its an absolute banger for groove time gtradio
Donna Summer- Hot Please enjoy!
Reposted byAvatar arnie
“political violence” is when violence is done to a politician. everything they cause is a different thing and you shouldn’t worry about it
the gchq person tasked w listening to my alexa & siri snitching
Reposted byAvatar arnie
bluesky tomorrow morning: