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I see and say things that need seeing and saying. (matrix)
DEAR MAGA: You’re enjoying the Trump show now. But if he wins, how will you feel when some of your friends are deported, your wives and daughters die from medical bans, your health insurance vanishes, inflation hits 300%, and all the bridges collapse from classic fascist mismanagement?
We’d best get our TOR networks set up and start taking organized resistance seriously. If Trump wins, all the rules and norms will be gone, and what they are capable of should not be underestimated. If things go as badly as is likely, we won’t be able to organize later. #BreakGlassMoment.
Now the media is telling us how ‘confident’ Donald Trump is, so he can afford to distance himself from his base on both abortion and Project2025. If this were 1933, I’d be learning to speak German. But how do I learn to speak MAGA when I lack the stupid gene?
@Tengrain Yep,. and you can be sure he’s greasing a lot of palms to ensure his investment gets him into the White House.
It’s just amazing. I have not heard of anyone but @Alivelshi mention Trump’s lies or platforms since the debate ( and not much before then). We must find ways to punish a complicit media. The days of letting the 1st amendment provide cover for their corporate manipulations must end. The …
playing field has to be leveled, somehow. CEOs and their talents have to pay a price for their reckless and selfish fake-journalism. And I don’t really care if their livelihoods are harmed. Nothing else can or will force them to confront their employers and refuse to keep playing their game.
Joe @conasonJ In 1992, I went to Richard Viguerie’s election eve (loss) party with my best friend, a liberal, who was his personal assistant. (She loathed him, but was desperate for the job .) She used to tell me “he’s tapped hatred as a motherlode of political money, and we better find a way …
to stop him.” She also said Roger Stone slept in her office some nights. THANK YOU for writing this. Can’t wait to read it.
This is the other part of their agenda we need to make much clearer. These people are not crypto-fascists anymore. Just fascists. How J.D. Vance Rocketed Onto Trump’s VP Shortlist
BREAKING: Andrea Mitchell’s show has ended for the day. That’s always cause for celebration, but it’s still not safe to watch @MSNBC for several more hours, because Chris Jansing and KatyTur are up next. Nothing good ever comes of it.
MSNBC (@[email protected]) 0 Posts, 1 Following, 1.41K Followers ·
Putin is raining missiles down on Ukraine, while dumbfuck MAGA cultists want to make his greatest working asset the president of the United States, again. What a fuckin’ world.
Because there are plenty of examples of previews of any kind going awry. Remember the Donna Brazile flap over the @CNN debate questions? This is why, despite what you may think, most pro campaigns just don’t take such risks anymore. If you don’t do it at all, it can’t blow back on you.
Avatar I didn’t see the full segment. Am I mostly right about’s remark?
This may be the only time I ever post anything Nate Silver says. Under the broken clock rule, I have that right. Shorter: LET REPORTERS HEAR YOU. It doesn’t matter if they don’t reply.
Susan Glasser,.@sbg1 You started out handwringing about the debate, and rather than admit you were overzealous, you double-down, not granting Biden a moment’s grace for that call, pretending your biases are journalistic reasoning. In recent years, your cred has been stuck in reverse.
I knew this was coming. He’s the only one that can offset Trump’s incoherence, with fully coherent hatred and stupidity. The good news is he’s the perfect poster boy for Project2025. In reply to…
Every fucking time I think Donny Deutsch might finally be growing up, he reverts to his douchebag comfort zone.
Why do you want to spin something the White House itself is trying to walk away from? “the White House was not involved in any preparation for the … interviews… providing questions to interviewers is not standard practice …and the campaign is not planning to do it again going forward.”
It wasn’t “topics.” That’s common. It was complete questions, repeated verbatim. That’s not. Which again, is why the journalist was fired.
I rest my case The ABC interview was a dumb move. This @morning_joe interview is the right move. Or at least one of them. Now get on TV every day, by phone if necessary, and ad lib every interview. Because he’s very good at that. When he’s loose, he’s fierce. When over-prepped, he stiffens up.
President Biden is on fire right now, on phone with @morning_joe. If the debate had been on the phone, this world would be a different place right now. Other big media and its scribes will give this almost no attention UNLESS YOU DEMAND IT OF THEM!
Crude, sure. We live in crude times. But Imma order a dozen for my friends anyway.
Good morning. President Biden is on @MSNBC by phone, now.
I started out thinking about Harris becoming the @potus mostly as a defensive tactic. But the more I think of it actually happening, I really fucking love the idea of a Black woman kicking Trump and his MAGA cultists back to the stone age from whence they came. Suck on that, Joe Rogan.
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Call me cynical, but right-wing commentators making suggestions on what the Democratic party should and should not do might not have the Democratic party's best interests at heart.
Haha. Republican hack says what in a Hill article? In reply to…
I don’t know where that’s coming from, but it is absolutely not standard practice for a “journalist” to be slipped the questions to be asked of the candidate (in the open, anyway). That’s WHY the TV station FIRED the journalist.
If had to happen. For decades, the right would whisper quiet parts out loud. Trump came along and said they could get way louder. So the completely unhinged Heritage Foundation said, “Fuck it, let’s say it with 50,000 watt amplifiers and call it #Project2025. What’s the worst that could happen?”
high fidelity 90s
JoeBiden may have all his cognitive marbles, but I am starting to wonder about some of his staff.
Ugh. Now this from the Unforced errors desk at the Biden Campaign. In reply to…