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I see and say things that need seeing and saying. (matrix)
@Tengrain Yep,. and you can be sure he’s greasing a lot of palms to ensure his investment gets him into the White House.
This is the other part of their agenda we need to make much clearer. These people are not crypto-fascists anymore. Just fascists. How J.D. Vance Rocketed Onto Trump’s VP Shortlist
Avatar I didn’t see the full segment. Am I mostly right about’s remark?
This may be the only time I ever post anything Nate Silver says. Under the broken clock rule, I have that right. Shorter: LET REPORTERS HEAR YOU. It doesn’t matter if they don’t reply.
I knew this was coming. He’s the only one that can offset Trump’s incoherence, with fully coherent hatred and stupidity. The good news is he’s the perfect poster boy for Project2025. In reply to…
I rest my case The ABC interview was a dumb move. This @morning_joe interview is the right move. Or at least one of them. Now get on TV every day, by phone if necessary, and ad lib every interview. Because he’s very good at that. When he’s loose, he’s fierce. When over-prepped, he stiffens up.
Crude, sure. We live in crude times. But Imma order a dozen for my friends anyway.
I started out thinking about Harris becoming the @potus mostly as a defensive tactic. But the more I think of it actually happening, I really fucking love the idea of a Black woman kicking Trump and his MAGA cultists back to the stone age from whence they came. Suck on that, Joe Rogan.
JoeBiden may have all his cognitive marbles, but I am starting to wonder about some of his staff.
Ugh. Now this from the Unforced errors desk at the Biden Campaign. In reply to…
@RodneyPetersonTalent @nytimes I Have been saying for years, that we have got to stop expecting politicians to fix it. We should be making it impossible for Fox News, Sinclair Broadcasting and others to hide behind the first amendment with the clear intent of subverting our constitution. But …
I’m going to show this to my friend @joyannreid. She’s written essays on how people spew racist tropes without pausing for even a moment to consider how they sound. If you have never seen this Jay Smooth classic, please watch it now. How To Tell Someone They Sound Racist
Haha. Republican hack says what in a Hill article? In reply to…
@Tengrain @Green_Footballs I’m working on a play called “The Americanization of @AOC.” It’s gonna be bigger than Cats. In reply to…
@tobie1 That’s one conjecture duly noted. Another is this: With less than 120 days to stop Donald Trump, Women, Black Women, Labor, Working Families, and countless other members of the blue ecosystem will be so thrilled to have an undamaged candidate to rally around, they will turn out in …
JFC, if I had a dollar for every American social media expert that pretended they could predict the future of a political campaign, I’d have enough money to live in a sane country. Some of y’all need to get on Amazon right now and purchase at least a 2 liter bottle of STFU.
Oh look, journalism!
Like I’ve always thought, but never said out loud:
I’ve heard all the remedies for political burnout. I respect a few of them, sure, but in the end, nothing gets it done like 20 minutes of adorable kitten videos.
Wasting a vote on #RobertKennedy is like saying: “I really have no idea what politics are about, don’t have much interest in learning, and rarely consider the consequences of anything. You probably want to avoid me whenever you get the chance. Wanna join me for a drink?”
AT LAST! @edsnowden finally reveals just what uncanny suckers some of you dopes have been all these years for investing even a moment’s notice of that calculating Russian fraud. I don’t hate you for it, I hope just this stings like battery acid in a paper cut.
But for a few issues like gay rights, same sex marriage, drug legalization and non-interventionism, there’s isn’t much difference between the completely contrived “libertarianism”, and the traditional conservatism that con men like Nick Gillespie try to sell to the suckers.
Yeah, that Nick Gillespie.
Last night I was at a party where 1/2 the room were dems, and the other 1/2 their gen-Z kids. Of all the topics raised, the most animated response from the zoomers came when the discussion turned to the $15+ price for a cocktail at local clubs. So relax, they’re laser focused on the big issues.
And winning those two states doesn’t offset all the other toss-ups (beige) we are hardly strong in.
Project 2025 is the greatest gift. It’s like finding this note on your door: “Breaking into your house tomorrow, stealing your shit, raping your kids, shooting your pets, and burning down what’s left. Don’t call the cops until I’m done or I’ll get mad and say mean things about you on Fox.”